Train pilgrimages will also start in 2024, organized by Misszió Tours, with the cooperation of MÁV-START Zrt., with two special trains to Csíksomlyo at Pentecost, and to Czestochowa in Poland and Krakow in June.

Here is the program:

May 16–19
Bolgodasszony Pilgrim Train - Csíksomlyó
The train departs from Keleti railway station in Budapest early in the morning after the ceremonial blessing of the pilgrims, there are several boarding options to travel to Székelyföld, Csíkszereda.

Route there: Budapest, Keleti-pu.–Szolnok–Püspökladány–Debrecen–Nyírábrány–Érmihályfalva–Nagykároly–Zilah–Zsibó–Dés–Déda–Maroshévíz–Gyergyószentmiklós–Marosfő–Csíkszentdomokos–Csíkmadaras–Madéfalva–Csíkszereda

May 17–19
Mission Pilgrim Train – Csíksomlyó
After the ceremonial blessing of the pilgrims, the train will depart from Budapest's Keleti railway station in the afternoon.

Route there: Budapest, Keleti pu.–Szolnok–Püspökladány–Debrecen–Nyírábrány–Érmihályfalva–Nagykároly–Zilah–Zsibó–Dés–Déda–Gyergyószentmiklós–Csíkszereda

June 24-27
Black Madonna Pilgrim Train – Czestochowa–Kraków
The train departs from Budapest, Keleti railway station, and after blessing the pilgrims, it will arrive in Poland via Felvidék. The programs include a day promising extraordinary experiences at the shrine of Jasna Góra (Fényes-hegy), founded by Hungarian Paulists from Czestochowa, and an episcopal mass in Krakow, on the feast day of our King Saint Laszlo, who was born of a Polish mother and raised there.


Photo: MTI/Zoltán Balogh