An appeal to real Hungarian journalists.
Good Hungarians!
For at least fifty years now, I have heard it almost every day on the radio, seen it on television, and more recently on Internet websites, how weak, how sick, how vile our nation is!
Urban Budapest and rural "journalists" compete with each other to reveal to the nation through the mass media the cases of various "children with problematic behavior (SEN, ADHD...)", the many adults struggling with mental illness and suffering from self-perception and emotional injuries its repulsive examples, the presentation of broken families, parents who are barely able to raise children, murders and suicides, destructive alcoholism, cases of people suffering from degenerative diseases, people struggling with emotional-organizational (= psychosomatic) diseases, as well as many other weaknesses of people!
The new bible has become the DSM-5 manual of the American Psychiatric Association!
These "journalists" are convinced that they are the heroes of a sick society, projecting the social reality in front of bamba television viewers and humming it into the ears of dulled radio listeners, under the influence of their self-esteem injuries.
Shocking, disgusting! These "hero journalists" tkp. you yourself are poisoning the wells of the Hungarian nation!
Noble Hungarians!
Are there no Hungarian virtues anymore?
The ones that our folk tales, folk poetry, proverbs, sayings, and folk songs present to us so beautifully and so captivatingly? Which show so lofty, so lofty, so noble deeds to adults and children! Which must be introduced again to the Hungarian nation: here, children and young people, follow them, this is the real Hungarian example!
Such is the Hungarian family, such is the Hungarian family-neighborhood community! They help each other in whatever way they can!
Follow this, this is the real Hungarian community life! This will make you strong, brave, honest, purposeful, determined, industrious, hardworking, protecting the weak, respecting and helping the elderly... people who love and protect our country in the Carpathian Basin, the former Kingdom of Hungary!
In other words, be the representatives of Hungarian virtue!
Or is that just the past? No no!
So I draw the attention of those journalists who are not fashionable knights of moral weaknesses; who are not karids (= harmful aliens) and lakfias living in the homeland of the Hungarians, but who are real Hungarian journalists; who are able to present noble and lofty examples to the Hungarian nation, and so that the nation can avoid the Carids, the corrupt EU butakrats and the Judeans of the Carid Shorosh Dzordzi... Use your writings, notes, and conversations to present examples that can be followed to the noble Hungarians!
The virtuous is vigorous.
Expect good instead of good. His bread is good.
Homeland and nation before everything else!
National guard Gyula Vadas
(Readers' letters do not necessarily reflect the editor's point of view)