A mentally and morally disintegrated monk in a member state of the European Union branded the member state's leading politician a Nazi in public. László Bogár asked economist professor Pál Molnár questions in a conversation prepared for Gondola.

Pál Molnár:...In a democracy, there is freedom of opinion, and a politician has to tolerate more than an ordinary person. In addition, should someone intervene in the case of gross insults in a medical case?

László Bogár: – What we should first of all record is that we are living in one of the last centuries (or maybe only the last decades) of a degenerative global way of life, where the complex that calls itself "politics" can only be aberrant in the first place, and even self-stimulating down this inescapable slope of destruction. …. I believe that in our case it is not a case of a mental patient, but of a similar prostitute who seeks the favor of the "global owner" by sticking a stigmatizing label on a politician who, like all politicians, is also in this fatal trap, but at least honestly he fights so that not only the master's order applies to his own people. As for such artificially produced poisonous concepts with the end of "ism", such as Nazism, all of this is not worth mentioning, it is only intellectually dangerous waste, which is produced en masse by the political "reality industry" (nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism, etc. ) because it can be used to keep millions of voters in cages of false interpretations. And finally, I have one more piece of bad news, not only can this not be eliminated, but since this is the defining trend of the political plant, we should rather expect it to strengthen, no matter how unpleasant it may be. …. This verbal civil war cannot subside in the near future just because the global power deal that founded the system of regime change three decades ago is currently collapsing, and this is reflected in the localities of the region, in Hungary as well.

– The public figure with a broken psyche later confirmed in writing the labeling of the democratically elected leader as a Nazi. Public life has sunk to such a depth only in that member state. Nevertheless, Brussels pretends to be deaf and blind, just like after the mass shooting on October 23, 2006. How can the Africanization of the union be stopped?

- The opinion power department of the global reality industry works also adds a false narrative method to the poisoned concepts, so there is nothing surprising in this either, and there is no "public life" and it cannot be, because this "non-existent" force tries to destroy it first, that the given human community should not have a reflexive relationship with itself. …. As for Africanization, this word denotes the state when the human community, which has lost all cultural cohesion, becomes an ecological, social and cultural cesspool. Africa, where this was realized, is a poignant example of how the European man, with unbridled cynicism and cruelty, simply removed everything that was valuable to him from this continent worthy of a better fate, and threw back the "residual" end product of metabolism. And if only he had robbed it for himself! But the real proceeds of this robbery enriched the "non-existent" superstructure, and now the wealth gained from it is doubly lost. Partly in the way that now, as this "non-existent" migration, hundreds of millions of Africans, who have become global hazardous waste, are pouring into Europe, and partly in the way that Europe itself is becoming a cultural latrine that destroys its basic self-identity in a suicidal way. This process seems unstoppable, to stop it would require a spiritual change, the signs of which are not visible yet.

– The Nazism of a figure with a weakened mind discredits the entire political elite of the given member state, so here the political allies of the monastery should step up to stop the frenzy. Why do we know that this does not happen in the European Union?

– Ex nihilo nihil fit, nothing will become nothing, because something can only come from something, and Europe is no longer something, but nothing. This ongoing multidimensional world war offered our continent the last chance to turn back from this self-destructive slope, but according to the signs, there are no longer any conditions for this turning back. Of course, since miracles are the only reality in our troubled age, we can confidently hope that the possibility of a miracle is always open. Let's not forget that the "German economic miracle" could have happened after the Second World War because Germany was destroyed materially and physically, but not spiritually, morally and spiritually (at least at that time). Thus, the miracle was a miracle of the soul of the German nation, which, of course, has since been successfully destroyed, but I wonder if there is still something left of it, which can be more than nothing, because nothing becomes nothing.

Source: Gondola

Author: Pál Molnár

(Cover photo: György T. Szántó/Democrat)