British MP Charlotte Nichols would amend the Gender Act passed in 2004 to allow transgender people to have their "new gender" listed on official death records, even retroactively.

A Labor MP is calling for changes to the related British law to allow transgender people to posthumously change their gender in official records, Mandiner wrote based on the Telegraph article .

British MP Charlotte Nichols would amend the Gender Act passed in 2004 to allow transgender people to have their "new gender" listed on official death records, even retroactively.

At the same time, the British Equal Opportunities Minister Stuart Andrew cut short the debate. He said: the government does not plan to further amend the law.

"You shouldn't leave these things to your imagination!"

According to the paper, Lucy Marsh, spokesperson for The Family Education Trust, also reacted to the news. As he put it: you don't know what would happen if you could openly lie about who is of which gender. As he argued: what will be the next step if a coroner can lie, say, about the gender of a child?

Will the next step be to register babies as any gender? The government must act against this. Don't leave these things to your imagination!

- he stated.

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