A group of traditionalists from eleven localities saw off the winter at the Csíkszentkirály carnival farewell party. The settlement was full of joy and laughter, and the groups visited every part of it.
The tradition preservation groups of Alsósófalva, Csíkcsicsó, Csíkszentdomokos, Csíkmenaság, Csíkszentsimon, Csobotfalva, Gyergyóditró, Gyergyóremete, Gyergyószárhegy, Kászonaltíz and Szentegyháza took part in the XXXII. Hargita County Carnival Farewell Festival in Csíkszentkirály. After the opening ceremony held in the center of the settlement, the groups set off from pre-designated village areas clowning, singing, and clapping their hands to the central, closing event.
On the way, they present their funny scenes at the tables prepared by the locals, dance together with the onlookers and eat from my spread-out table.
Angéla Ferencz, director of the Hargita County Cultural Center, said that "those who keep their custom at home can participate in the meeting".
“It's very social, very human and very logic at its core. A fool's errand, a view of the world standing still, a kind of court fool's view, when a person can allow himself to be different, to take off his restraints, to break the rules, which is why society and norms keep people in a bind."
he added.
Featured image: Csata Orsolya/Maszol