A medieval escape room awaits visitors in the castle of the world heritage settlement.

The renovation of Ófalu and the castle in Hollókő in Nógrád county has been completed, Ófalu will be enriched with a gastronomic experience center, and unique, interactive content will be created in the castle towering over the village; the development received a HUF 1.1 billion non-refundable grant from the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Program (GINOP) tender of the Széchenyi 2020 program - Hollókő municipality informed MTI about this.

    As a result of the investment, the number of visitors may increase by 30,000 per year within a few years

- they wrote in the announcement, adding that the tourist load of the village will not increase, because seasonality will decrease thanks to the developments. The municipality's consortium partners in the work were Hollókő World Heritage Management Nonprofit Kft., Visit Hungary Nonprofit Zrt. and the Hungarian Tourist Agency.

    The aim of the tender was to create an attraction less exposed to seasonality

in and around Ófalu, which has been a World Heritage Site since 1987.

As described:

a gastronomic experience center was established on the main street of Ófalu, in the place and surroundings of the current Vár restaurant, with an exhibition space for the history of Palóc gastronomy, a cooking school, and service rooms.

    In addition to the conservation of the castle, the castle has been enriched with a number of interactive visual elements, so it is possible, for example, to take a guided tour of the entire castle area on a tablet. In addition to the interactive exhibition on the history of the castle, a medieval escape room awaits the guests, who can visit all levels of the castle on a newly created visitor route.

The investment included the expansion of the Dr. András Román Visitor House, the development of the Masinás restaurant and the Millennium Memorial Park, as well as the expansion of the parking lot.

It was placed under monument protection with the help of András Román Hollókő. The visitor's house bearing his name was built in his honor in 2005, which is an information and refreshment point, the building also hosts events.

The existing parking lot was expanded to 257 spaces with enough space for another 57 cars and 2 barrier-free family parking lots.


Cover photo: Facebook / Hollókő, the living village