There is nothing new under the sun: they do not understand that the protection of freedom of expression ends where the expressed opinion can no longer contribute to the formation of a democratic will.
A public interest report was filed against Péter Márki-Zay on suspicion of incitement against the community, Magyar Nemzet learned. István Tényi turned to the Budapest Police Headquarters after he brushed off the execution of government politicians at the campaign opening event of the People's Party of Hungary for Everyone (MMN) on Saturday.
Although the event was supposed to be about the presentation of the party's EP representatives and the EP program, the main topic of the failed prime ministerial candidate of the left was Viktor Orbán. He said that the ruling party is afraid of the fall because it could be final for it.
They are afraid that they will hang out, said Márki-Zay.
In his statement of facts, he states: the protection of the life, physical integrity, dignity, and rights of others is a value in itself that must be taken into account when regulating fundamental rights.
According to his words, although the Basic Law protects opinion regardless of its value and truth content, the protection of freedom of expression ends where the expressed opinion can no longer contribute to democratic will formation.
In connection with the case, the criminal suspicion of incitement against the community may arise.
The rhetoric of the Hungarian left is memorable when, after the Polish elections last year, the former interior minister and his deputy of the outgoing PiS government were arrested in the presidential palace in Warsaw. Earlier, the Tusk cabinet took control of the Polish public media in a coup.
"Pay attention to Warsaw! What is happening now in Poland will be the same here after the change of government!" - Márton Tompos, the parliamentary representative of Momentum, responded to the events in Poland on his social media page.
The prime minister's political director stated in connection with the statement: people on the left would be taken away in handcuffs, who according to the law had committed nothing, and would systematically silence opinions with which they did not agree.
According to Balázs Orbán, it is now clear to everyone that when leftists claim they are fighting for democracy and corruption, they are actually only fighting for their own power and against people who think differently.
Márton Tompos's party partner, András Fekete-Győr, the fallen president of Momentum, who was convicted in the second degree for violence against an official, previously promised that he would ban from their profession on political grounds those right-wing specialists working in the media who express opinions he does not like during their work.
It was also memorable when, in December 2018, a group of left-wing politicians, abusing their immunity, entered the MTVA headquarters illegally and using physical violence, where they obstructed the production of programs with threatening behavior.
And Ferenc Gyurcsány, who always mentions Europeanism and the rule of law, took the threat to the top and proved what his conception of democracy really is.
One of the most memorable of these was when Attila Vidnyánszky badmouthed him because he was appointed chairman of the board of trustees of the foundation that maintains the University of Theater and Film.
“There is nothing to do now. You have to prepare. Vidnyánszky and his companions will stay as long as Orbán. Then they fall. In fact! They will be earthlings in every sense. There will be no trench burial. There will be a parenthesis. A world without air for those who killed Hungarian freedom", wrote the president of the DK, which calls itself the "most European party". And at other times he put it bluntly: "This is going to be jail time, boys and girls." Deservedly so. Then they would tell each other about the superiority of civil morality. I saw in movies that you have to hit the pipes with a spoon. Start learning the technique. You will need it”.
During the Covid period, Bendegúz Szarvas Koppány's statement also caused great indignation, when he wrote the following on his official social media page: "Pandemic treatment Fidesz-style. It's difficult to respond to this in a dignified manner, I'd rather just put it this way: the boys work hard for the lamp iron."
The current representative from Józsefváros believed that it would be justified to hang the members of Fidesz.
According to the leader of the Fidesz-KDNP faction in Józsefváros, it happened several times that Szarvas formulated amazing thoughts towards Fidesz representatives at committee and board meetings in Józsefváros.
- It happened that he threatened his political opponents with prison, but with his latest manifestation he went beyond all limits - stated Tamás Vörös. As he said, anyone who can only communicate with such militant, aggressive, murderous passions has nothing to do with politics, and is politically and humanly unfit for this task.
Cover photo: Péter Márki-Zay, the town's mayor at the town hall in Hódmezővásárhely
Source: MTI/Tibor Rosta