Up, right, reds and proletarians and everyone!
Ghosts have been roaming Europe for years now, but they certainly don't have ghosts like ours. A specter who has been morally dead for a long time, if not earlier, since October 23, 2006, completely and irrevocably. He just doesn't want to believe it.
He was stuck here from the communist era, but he kept what he brought with him from there. Both the suka and the mentality.
Comrade Gyurcsány is a good comrade, faithfully preserving the cancerist traditions and making use of the valuable experiences of the mass murderer Tibor Szamuely and the Lenin boys. Just as the Rákos killed their great comrade, the ÁVH founder named Rajk, just as the Kádárs executed the attic sweeper Comrade Imre Nagy, so did Ferenc Gy. Ferenc Gy. Then, just as Szamuely and his gang did to rural Hungary, he dealt with those celebrating peacefully on October 6. It's true, not personally, that's why (at that time) he was different from the commander of the Lenin boys, but he also carried out his terrorist action.
He also shot, although not with a live bullet, but he managed to shoot out a few eyes and beat those who did not support him bloody. Legal continuity is undeniable.
Then, after he failed to completely bankrupt the country, although he only narrowly missed it, after he completely discredited his party and pushed it on the road to the abyss, he left them with a wooden image surrounded by the glory of his own creation (Eat what I cooked!), and very democratically formed a coalition created with his wife.
Then he democratized himself even more, that is, he constantly threatened, promising a showdown, prison and everything else, until now he got to the point where he threatened the judges because they dared to convict the former head of the SZDSZ branch for the attack on the law enforcement officers and in advance because he would surely László Varju, who ran a riot in the MTVA headquarters, will be judged.
How interesting!
While he boldly denies that he did not take responsibility for his actions in 2006 - he thinks he did, I eat my little soul - now he urges that no one else does. I mean on the globalist side. On the contrary, he expects those on the government's side to undertake it, even those who are not responsible for anything. Right, right?
I don't agree with the judicial practice in all cases either, some of the sensitized or already ultra-liberal judges are able to get carried away with completely sane judgments.
It is enough to recall the case of Máté Kocsis, in which Klára Ungár called him gay, and the court did not consider this to be reprehensible, because according to them, you cannot offend anyone by calling him gay. On the other hand, those persons and forums who claimed that the then right-wing president might have had homosexual relations lost their lawsuit against Gábor Vona. Or let's just think of the time when a female judge was able to say to an outrageous caricature that insults Christ that it does not offend Christians, but is funny.
So we may have objections against judging, yet we did not call on the Christian-conservative side to remember the names of the judges, because the time for revenge will come.
I think that brother Ferenc, who often swears, thinks that we are approaching this, as it has already happened in the case of Poland.
It just needs to happen. Because if this tragedy were to happen, this country would have so much. Then those young people who today are not interested in the past, so they don't learn from it, would also learn what a real dictatorship is.
Let it stay this way.
György Tóth Jr
Cover photo: Ferenc Gyurcsány
Source: ps.hu