On Monday, many Transcarpathians received threatening, anti-Hungarian messages via SMS and the Telegram internet messaging channel. According to the Ukrainians, it is of course a Russian provocation.
"Hungarians at knifepoint!", "Escape quickly, traitors!", "Hungarians are parasites!", "Get out of Ukraine!", "Whoever doesn't run, will be the first!".
On Monday, many people in Transcarpathia received such and similar messages in Ukrainian and Hungarian, the latter phrased in non-Hungarian language, Magyar Nemzet wrote . The timing is also interesting, as it is well known that the largest Hungarian interest protection organization in Ukraine, the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association, celebrated its thirty-fifth anniversary at that time.
The messages, which included obscene and fishy threats, were sent from Bosnian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz numbers.
The messages show the same image everywhere: a hooded, masked man standing on a map of Transcarpathia, with the Ukrainian coat of arms on his chest and a large knife in his left hand, while pointing towards Hungary, where the masses are fleeing. The inscriptions below are already written in Hungarian and Ukrainian, mixed. The knife is a recurring emoji, as is the expression "cover yourself up".
The message, presumably made with an internet translation program, is often incorrect: "Hungarians, you better flee Ukraine as soon as possible. Magyars késre!", and this is sometimes followed by an ax sign or the slogan "Glory to Ukraine".
According to journalists close to the Ukrainian government, it is a Russian provocation. According to the military administration of Subcarpathia, this is all a Russian information operation, because, as they say, the enemy is trying to turn the local nationalities against each other. It is advised that whoever receives such an SMS block the sender of the message. In their short briefing, there was no room for distancing and the promise of catching the culprits.
Photo: tn.fishki.net