"Viktor Orbán cannot get away with this!" - said the former Gyurcsányist politician, disguised as a very independent journalist, firmly.

"New and new scandals are revealed on a daily basis, we are getting to know the pedophile network in Orbán on a daily basis," stated Olga Kálmán in ATV's Egyenes beszéd show, when Egon Rónai, host, asked what the DK's goal is with the pedophile campaign.

It is well known that the Gyurcsány party attacks the government on billboards, accusing it of absolving those who commit sexual violence against minors; on one of the posters, for example, “God? Home? Pedophilia!” text is included.

This filth is the quintessence of the political culture of the DK

According to Kálmán, the prime minister forgets the "small" thing in the story, that in 2016 the pedophile director received a high state award on his proposal, with his countersignature, and shortly after that, a boy committed suicide, and then the victim's friend filed a complaint, so it is not true that they were jailed as a result of the government's action. "Viktor Orbán cannot get away with this!" - said the left-wing politician firmly. According to the DK representative, it is not an exaggeration to talk about a pedophile network, in his opinion, there cannot be so many coincidences in this case.

The opposition parties were also shocked by the DK's action

According to the Independent Small Farmers, Farmers and Citizens Party, for example, the motto "God, Home, Family" is under patent protection and could not have been used by the DK. According to the party's announcement, the poster is "suitable for connecting pedophilia with the sacred conceptual trinity that has been important and unchanged for us for a hundred years."

Anna Donáth went further than that. He wrote on his social media page that "the Democratic Coalition is now formulating the umpteenth political message, this time in the form of a poster campaign, which is humanly, morally and politically unsustainable." The president of Momentum stated that DK's campaign is saying that here pedophiles are against non-pedophiles, and this makes him sick.

Hateful, needlessly hurtful, and worst of all,

that for a little pedophile, a few articles and a few likes, he takes away the focus of the public discourse on the abuses in Bicske, the pardon scandal and child protection," he said.

How long does authentic nausea last?

And Péter Ungár did not leave Donáth's post without a word. The co-president of the LMP wrote on her Facebook page, "Anna Donáth criticized the DK's pedophile posters yesterday with every right. His criticism is true in many ways, but what if Anna Donáth felt nauseous in »God? Home? "Pedophile!" posters, how did you feel when the entire Momentum faction appeared in the Parliament with the text "Stop Pedofides!"

But not only politicians and public figures also spoke out on the matter.

Feró Nagy called the posters shocking and disgusting. Those who did not vote for the child protection law are now acting as if they are the main protectors of children - he described the situation.

"This is a typical communist pace, accuse the other of what you have committed"

- said the Beatrice frontman.

Nóra Király, the founder of the Club of Young Families (FICSAK), was shocked when confronted with the posters. "Until now, Ferenc Gyurcsány and the DK have not sunk to such a level that he is practically denigrating his country and the Hungarian people, this is really the bottom," he said.

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