The situation is rapidly deteriorating in Poland: the uniformed officers used rubber batons and tear gas against farmers protesting in front of the Sejm.

The participants of the farmers' demonstration organized in Warsaw on Wednesday against the green agreement of the European Union and the import of Ukrainian goods clashed with the police. Several police officers and farmers were injured, several protesters were detained.

According to press reports, the behavior of the farmers at the farmer's demonstration caused the reaction of the police.

He wrote on the social media page of the Polish police that the police cannot be the targets of the protesters, as they have nothing to do with the cause for which they are there.

The police used tear gas and rubber batons against the protesters, and many videos and pictures of their violent actions were posted on the Internet.

There are several recordings of the police beating protesting farmers, and even footage of a person being pinned to the ground. There is also a scene where a policeman is seen throwing stones at the protesters.

The whole situation is being vividly commented on on social media.

"They used to shoot at the miners. Now they want to shoot at the representatives of the sovereign majority: farmers, foresters, hunters, trade unionists...?" - asks PiS representative Anna Kwiecień indignantly.

Adam Andruszkiewicz, PiS member of parliament, wrote that "the Tusk-Hołownia coalition forcibly silences the Poles protesting in front of the Sejm. Exactly the same as with the Independence Marches during the first government of Donald Tusk. If you think that you are taking away our sovereignty and dignity by force, you will be deeply surprised”.

Tusk is back, lawlessness is back - wrote representative Arkadiusz Mularczyk.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: The police acted violently against the participants of the farmers' demonstration in Warsaw
Source: X/screenshot