It is self-evident that hundreds of thousands of young French people should immediately abandon the splash of rosé and the current gay adventure on the banks of the Seine to die for Kiev, because what would we do without Ukraine in Europe? Written by Áron Ambrózy.

Evil and Evil cannot triumph over Good! This is our well-understood interest, as well as our moral and geopolitical foundation! It's time to announce the ten million times positive day in Paris and send thousands of French soldiers to all the crisis zones of the Earth! If a Frenchman is worth dying for, it is a completely irrelevant problem for us in a very distant country! Anything else is cowardice, defeatism and probably homophobia.

Mr. Macron, you are not committed enough to good causes! The text is good for a start, but the actions are sorely lacking! You really should show more courage and do something in addition to saying big words out loud!

Bad things happen not only in Ukraine, not only cannot the French nation allow Russia to win, but in general the presence of Evil in this small ball of mud drifting lonely in space cannot be accepted!

It is self-evident that hundreds of thousands of young French people should immediately abandon the splash of rosé and the current gay adventure on the banks of the Seine to die for Kiev, because what would we do without Ukraine in Europe? As long as the ancient entity always called Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire and, a little later, the Soviet Union, we, Europe, drifted helplessly between the Szküllas and Kharübdiszes of history into the unknown.

Let's face it, if steam locomotives, vitamin C, and space exploration didn't come to us from sub-Saharan knowledge centers (source: Netflix), we'd certainly be much poorer.

But we can't always rely on them, we need the world's first civilization, including Ukraine, which invented writing and the Greek language, to be stronger than Evil! Mr. Macron recognized this correctly! Dude.


But evil is not only dark in Putin's heart, but in many parts of the world's continents. There is a reason for a Frenchman to die, there is a reason for Macron to order total mobilization. We list it without claiming to be complete! Indonesia must immediately declare war on Macron for the lack of gay rights, Brazil for the deforestation along the Amazon; perhaps with a landing force of 8 million and a few thermonuclear warheads, we could already achieve remarkable results there, for which posterity would hardly be able to thank us. But that would not mean that we are all right, that we have won over Evil!

The Rohingya are suffering from oppression in Myanmar, relatively easily, with a contingent of a few hundred thousand people, the violence could be quelled.

The same is true for an ocean away in Mexico, where the drug cartels cannot win, the French would certainly have to step in if the government forces' striking ability were to crack spectacularly, even on social media, in a way that causes concern. A few hundred thousand French soldiers would also be enough there, just like the other brazen, not-scented-enough countries of Central America, since Evil is present everywhere. So far, this is little more than 20 million French soldiers, of whom perhaps 5 million could return home alive after a couple of ten years. These are inevitable losses, Mr. Macron, show more courage!

What do 15 million dead French and the same number of missing limbs matter when we are fighting Evil?!!! Right?!!!

Let's turn 360 degrees and return to Asia! Neither Kim Jong-un nor Iran can win, not to mention the other impolite statesmen of the Middle East! Are there any Frenchmen left to fight? Lags? Then, Mr. Macron, it is essential that you play a role in protecting good causes in these countries as well! In total, no more soldiers should be sent to these locations than 40-60 million people, plus rotation; that much really shouldn't be a problem for one of the world's leading moral powers!

In Africa, it will be a little more appropriate to fight against Evil, since the French have not been regarded there as the conscience of the world since the era of colonialism.

But don't let that stop you from taking action, Mr. Macron, or Evil will win! Since it is a relatively large area, we would need 300-400 million strong French soldiers to eradicate the bad things from Morocco to Egypt, touching South Africa, and all the way to Senegal.

This is a trifle, because it is right, and only the defeatist fascists try to quantify the price of the right things under the false flags of rationality and common sense!

All in all, since the losses have to be replaced, with one billion French soldiers, we could solve a significant part of the world's problems and not let Evil win, if you had the courage, Mr. Macron! And we even have a hydrogen bomb, if some people would be very stubborn and important, perhaps trade caviar and glass balls with the Evil One.

So that all the bad things on the whole planet would disappear right away?

More courage Mr. Macron!

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