LGBTQ. The only question is, what does the pro-deviance lobby have to do with all of this?

All hell broke loose, that can no longer be disputed. We can fear our children and grandchildren, because in every school there are unscrupulous, aggressive children who find pleasure in torturing and humiliating the weaker and smaller. Not to mention verbal abuse. Written by György Tóth Jr.

Whose fault is it that some people become so violent?

The secret can be easily deciphered, while it is indecipherable, because that behavior cannot be traced back to a single cause. Part of it - not a small part - is violent content from the media, video games, social media, and of course parents who are not suitable for education.

One thing is certain: we cannot stand idly by until we get to the American school massacres (unfortunately, this has already happened in some cases), the publication of "it was a good joke" videos, in which we can see the humiliation and sometimes brutal attack of a schoolmate, cannot remain without consequences.

But what can we do about it?

First of all: we must restore respect for teachers. I know that the text "at least in my age" is irritating, but still, in my age, we wouldn't even have dared to answer our teachers. True, after a bad grade or reprimand, parents did not try to beat the teacher.

Second: parents must be taught to say no to certain media content, not to allow unsupervised TV viewing, and even if the child does not like it, to control his appearance on social media.

Thirdly: supporting the child at all costs and not with monkey love, before the given situation has been clarified. In other words, no matter how much we love our child, we must not unconditionally believe their claims and by no means aggressively attack anyone (not even the teacher!)

And many, many more steps must be taken to ensure that school violence does not stand a chance.

The government has done what it can do by creating the institution of school security. Where such law enforcement officers operate, the situation has noticeably improved, the number of acts of violence between children has decreased, but as Jimmy Fülig wisely stated, you cannot put a traffic policeman next to every slap. Of course, they are not able to prevent all such events either.

School violence is not a party-related, right-wing or left-wing problem, because whether parents are drawn to this or that side, their children are equally exposed to this type of danger, so it is no wonder that all parties are concerned about the issue. It's just not incidental how. Let's see.

"The Group of Representatives for a Diverse Hungary a organized a hearing within his campaign..."

The Representative Group for a Diverse Hungary is not very diverse, as it is made up of representatives of DK, MSZP, Momentum and Párbeszéd, i.e. parties born from the same litter, politicians on the same ideological basis. Charm? Not in the least, especially if they are really working to curb school violence. However, the indicated hearing somehow does not indicate this.

For example, the creative director of Líra Group and the operative and legal representative of Háttér Társaság were heard on behalf of book publishers and book distributors. (Líra is an ardent distributor of the Meseorzág ékkejék , and Háttér Társaság is one of the most important LGBTQ organizations.) The question is, what do the booksellers or the lobby supporting deviance have to do with all of this?

Maybe the fact that children can even hit each other with a book? Or if we make the kids transgender, maybe they won't fight?

The operation of this group of representatives reminds me a lot of the activities of the ill-remembered Do Against Hate organization, who did a lot for the hatred of the Christian-conservative side. Or like DK, which is anything but democratic and does not form a coalition with anyone, at most with itself. So what is this representative group? A group that can stuff any topic into their magic box of school violence prevention? What else is a book distributor looking for in an audition?

With this power, they could have listened to the hunters, because their opinion would probably hit the mark. Or the cooks, to see if they cook something good. But not against school violence, but for the LGBTQ movement.

All roads may lead to Rome, but not sure. What is true, however, is that every action of the left-liberals is at the service of the LGBTQ lobby. But do it! - but do it openly and directly. And not hiding behind an effort supported by every conscientious citizen. That is nothing more than a pitiáner lie.

It's true, it's not a problem for them. They can lie in the morning, at night, and even in the evening without remorse.

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