Among the news of Euronews, it can be read that it was announced in Brussels that the European Union would place more weight on the voluntary return of migrants in the future. They also mention that the EU has not performed well in this matter so far, because in 2019 half a million people received deportation orders and only 142,000 complied. In other words, only one third of those invited left.

The EC wants closer cooperation with the migrants' home countries, because they believe that voluntary repatriation should be helped. Because the cost of this is 560 euros on average, compared to the 3,400 euros bill for deportation.

I would have liked you to think first instead of spreading your arms wide. Perhaps action should also be taken against the left, who still want to achieve distribution according to the quota. The only question is, who pays the bill for deportation? Shall we share this too? I think the EP representatives from the reception party should pay. They get paid well for sitting there and for their sometimes mind-blowing suggestions.