According to the head of state candidate of the Hungarian Federation, the Hungarians in the highlands must show themselves.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the president of Fidesz, received Krisztián Forró, the president of the Hungarian party in the highlands, the candidate for president of the Hungarian Federation, in the Carmelite monastery on Monday, said Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister's press chief.

One of the topics of the discussion was the Slovakian presidential election due on Saturday, in connection with which the importance of unity and cohesion was highlighted.

According to Krisztián Forró, this vote is not primarily about his person, but about the Slovak Hungarians showing that they exist, that they are here, and that Hungarian words will still be heard in the Highlands in a thousand years.

At Monday's meeting, they emphasized the need for Visegrad cooperation (V4), as they said, despite the differences of opinion, the V4 should find the points on which they agree, since together they can achieve more.

Viktor Orbán and Krisztián Forró called for a ceasefire and peace negotiations in connection with the war in Ukraine.

Both of them stood against the sending of weapons and soldiers to Ukraine, which is completely contrary to Hungarian national interests.