I'm just scratching my head and I don't understand. I don't understand why some European politicians have lost their minds. Or maybe they never had it?

How many mental patient narratives are worth a referral to a mental institution? This is not yet known, as the madmen are still on the loose. Unfortunately, the nurses don't rush after any of them with straitjackets in hand.

Here, for example, is this running fool named Mikron (alias Makron).

According to him, all European soldiers should be sent to the slaughterhouse, perhaps because the more of the hated formations, the white, heterosexual, Christian pariahs, would leave their teeth, the more space would be left for the beloved Muslim "immigrants". But what's in it for him? After all, he doesn't have a dog or a cat (or if he has one, that's all he has), no son who could be used as cannon fodder, and no daughter who couldn't run away from a nuclear attack.

Because it would definitely be a nuclear attack if this French scumbag doesn't even understand this with his little sense.

What do you think - and there is no question of thinking, but - why do you think that French soldiers and citizens are resistant to warheads? Maybe it's enough if he holds the well-worn French gloare over his head, and the bullets will bounce off it?

Then there is the slep of the Polish dictator. I understand that they are filled with unquenchable hatred when they hear the term "Russian", but that is no reason to send Polish soldiers to their deaths.

Or would Donald Tusk and his gang feel comfortable if they could cover the world in a radioactive cloud?

If humanity were to fall with radiant glee? If anyone, they should know the dire consequences when the Russians get going. Well, of course, at that time they were called Soviets and I don't think the two are the same, but the Polish globalists are not capable of such a subtle distinction. They would first lead themselves, then the whole of humanity, into the past waving with a cheerful face.

But there's more here. There is also Mrs. Ursula Leyebb, the mind champion with seven children. What is family to him, since "family is family", it doesn't matter who is a boy, who is a girl or of a different gender, the important thing is that those text messages do not come out.

It is better to bring disaster to Europe by inciting war, just don't bother with the Pfizer case anymore.

Your life and blood for Ukraine, I'll hide in a nuclear-proof bunker. But for how long, Ursula? For a few centuries?

I don't understand it all. What are these monsters thinking? What do they believe, what are they up to? What will they do when mutual nuclear strikes have done their blessed work and "cleansed" our planet of 7 billion 900 million unnecessary people? There remains, doesn't it, the approximately 100 million "elite" that survived the genocide a few hundred meters underground.


How long will your air purification system last down there? How long (and from what) will you have electricity to operate the machines? How long does your supply of drinking water last? When will the stored food run out? What do you do with your dead?

Because after a while you too fall, whether you like it or not. Or will you "recycle" the bodies - like in sci-fi novels?

The half-life of natural uranium is barely 4,600 million years, right? True, this is only a layman's approach, because in the case of today's nuclear bombs, the deadly danger is not the radiation, but the enormous heat generated by the explosion and the tremendously powerful shock wave. That is, in the case of a single bomb. But what if it's not just an explosion?

At some point, you just have to climb out of the bunker where the destroyers of humanity have been hiding for a long time. And since radiation still exists, how do you climb out?

In a protective suit? Okay, you can get away with it for a while, let's say until a two-meter tall mutant squirrel wanders by and will happily bite your head off even if you're wearing a helmet.

The latter assumption is of course a wild imagination, but isn't it, what is the point of living in the environment left after the nuclear war?

Then it won't matter who accepted bribes from Pfizer, whose wealth is in the billions, because the money will only be good enough to keep you warm by its flames. Oh, and not because the real banknotes were incinerated by the nuclear fire, virtual ones don't even exist today (for real).

Is this what you want? It seems to be just that. So just kill the Earth, what's the point? It is childishness and cowardice to cling to things that have served their time, such as life...

We are threatened by bulbous visions of sick minds. Time to wake up and clean up the nuclear war mongers. It's nice to banish them to small rooms where they can rage peacefully between rubber walls, but it would be even better if they didn't spend their time there alone, but in the company of their like-minded colleagues. There they could discuss which of them is the real Napoleon.

We just get along without them somehow. And without their wars.

György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission and French President Emmanuel Macron (bj)
Source: MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet