According to Melinda Hal, Péter Magyar's posts and the comments attached to them can also be considered mental abuse.

Melinda Hal, a clinical psychologist and the leading researcher of the MCC Research Institute, was a guest on the latest broadcast of Ultrahang Plusz, in which the case of Péter Magyar and Judit Varga, which has not yet been clarified in many ways, was about the different forms and degrees of relationship violence.

In the program, the specialist emphasized, among other things, that relationship violence, abuse, and threats are present in the case of prominent persons in the same way as in families living in deep poverty.

Although the rate of physical abuse may have decreased in Hungary, the same cannot be said about mental abuse, such as cyberbullying carried out within a digital framework.

Fish according to Melinda

Péter Magyar's posts and the comments attached to them can also be considered this kind of mental abuse.

But it is also included in the circle when someone is (even if not physically) threatened or restricted in their movement - Melinda Hal referred to the sentences in the police report published a few days ago.

The psychologist said that nowadays, unfortunately, there are a lot of personality disorders and the associated personality distortions that trigger abusive behavior. He explained:

when someone is in a role - even a political role - it is not at all certain that the situation matches the structure of his personality. Generally, those who play such a role for a long time, the more the two things align with each other.

The psychologist indicated that typical abusive sentences can be uttered in such a relationship, and it happens that

the aggressor manipulates the victim so much that the latter already believes that he is doing something wrong.

Melinda Hal also called it typical that the aggressor's explanations are ready in advance, there is a transfer of responsibility, and an experience of being offended is also typical.

They feel as if the whole world is against them

Melinda Hal said.

You can watch the entire broadcast here: 

Featured image: Rita Pongrácz