In 2024, the Single Parent Center will announce the application for the fifth Odd Parent Award, the aim of which is to recognize the dedicated and exemplary work of single parents, the center announced.

According to their information, the recognition is for those who set an example with their perseverance on a daily basis. Anyone can nominate a parent or grandparent raising a minor alone who has not received the award before. Applications containing the personal history and presentation of the candidates in 2,000-2,500 characters are expected until April 14.

This year, the recognition will be awarded in several categories, and the winners of all categories will be awarded HUF 150,000. The jury of the Single Parent Center makes recommendations for the award winners from among the candidates, they explained, adding that the award is supported by Szerencsejáték Zrt., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., the National Association of Large Families and the Royal Castle of Gödöllő.

The call for applications , the award ceremony will be held on May 28, the sixth birthday of the Pest Singles' Center, the announcement states.


Photo: Facebook page of the Single Parent Center