For which we are rarely thanked - on the first Tuesday of April we celebrated the World Day of Invisible Work.

At such times, we celebrate those people and those efforts that Christ also remembered as:

"Your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you."

The Szent István Institute highlighted that these are the invisible "forces" that, in addition to Providence, hold the never-ending world together in an indispensable and timeless way.

In such cases, we remember, for example, those mothers who bend down to their crying children for the millionth time at home, behind the four walls, or those "Mother Teresas" who selflessly give their time and life to others and embrace the people on the street, the refugees who appear at the border, or patients spending their last hours in the hospital - whether in the civil sphere, in the individual decisions of everyday life, or in the church

- listed in the post. They added

these jobs are the most expensive, unaffordable - no one even pays for them.

Somewhere in this is their value. In the non-payment. This proves that God is good and man is good in this world; that, contrary to the belief of many, this world does not stand on the pillars of profit, money, and business, but on his merciful, self-sacrificing love.

they said.
