Although recently he is often presented as Gábor Bethlen, and since the filming he has been happy to jump on a horse at any time, he does not walk around in armor or with a sword at his side. Interview with the protagonist of the Fairy Garden series.

This is Barna Bokor, with whom we talked about the experiences of Tündérkertes, the portrayal of Gábor Bethlen and what kind of gift he received during the filming.

Gábor Bethlen, one of the most significant personalities of 17th century Hungarian history, was born 444 years ago, on November 15, 1580, and died on the same day 395 years ago, in 1629.

The period under his reign is often called the golden age of Transylvania, since he consolidated the position of Transylvania as a Transylvanian prince, and the economic and cultural life of the country began to develop. The first part of Zsigmond Móricz's Transylvania trilogy, Tündérkert, was published about this period in 1922, and based on the novel, an eight-part TV series was made, directed by Isti Madarász, and co-produced by Megafilm and MTVA.

Last fall, the Tündérkert crew came on a tour of Székelyföld, and in Székelyudvarhely, Csíkszereda, Kézdivásárhely and Sepsiszentgyörgy, the audience could meet the creators, including Barna Bokor, who plays Gábor Bethlen and is from Sováta, currently playing in Marosvásárhely and Budapest.

"This Székelyföld tour went very well, the audience meetings were full of people, really good meetings. It was good to experience that the audience can simultaneously express what they find critical or dislike, and at the same time love and accept it. Basically, love permeated the whole thing and for me it was wonderful, I felt at home the whole time. I have many good memories of the Transylvanian tour. I see that at home they really understand, appreciate and love this series"

- pointed out Barna, when we talked about the fact that while applause, laughter, or even silence during a performance in the theater is a form of feedback, in the case of film it is rarer for the actor to meet the audience directly.

"You're there on the screen, on the screen, and it's locked, unrepeatable, like a time capsule, you can't change it as an actor. The theater is a living tissue, constantly changing. Maybe that's why these audience meetings were good, because we could experience specific energies"

explained the actor.

The very first character who was known to be in the series was the Brown Bush, he is "a Bethlen incarnate"

said the director of the work, Isti Madarász, at the audience meeting in Csíki.

Barna said that they probably saw that this role would find her, and there were many casting scenes where they looked at her as partners. In all of this, the kind of chemistry is very important, which character fits with whom and how, in some ways, this is sometimes the deciding factor during a casting, how to fit someone into the puzzle. When something is filmed, it is placed in a world, the characters are placed next to each other so that what fits with what, there must be harmonious relationships. For example, I casted with many Báthory candidates, and I immediately connected with Dániel Péter Katona. I really like him, he's a great actor. I was amazed at how much strength someone so young had. At the same time, he has the physique that the film is about, while inside there is a great big sea dancing. We could feel his acting power throughout.

The full interview can be read on the portal!

Featured image: Photo: Megafilm/Tamás Dombóvári