Donald Trump would refer the regulation of abortion to the jurisdiction of the federal states, proposing as a general exception to the ban pregnancy caused by violence or blood infection, as well as pregnancy that endangers the life of the mother, the expected Republican presidential candidate announced on Monday.

According to Donald Trump's first comprehensive policy statement on abortion, the law of each federal state should define the legal status of the procedure to terminate a pregnancy, and as a result, there would be more permissive and conservative regulations.

He added that the regulations must reflect the people's decision, which must be formed either through direct voting or through the legislative process.

"Everyone has to follow their heart, which in many cases is a matter of religion and faith"

he said.

He called the Democrats' abortion policy radical, because it would allow its termination even up to the last stage of pregnancy, practically as "infanticide".

Preliminary expectations were that it would be part of Donald Trump's presidential election program

will propose a kind of compromise national abortion ban from the 15th week of pregnancy.

In his statement on Monday, Donald Trump

provided full support for artificial insemination (IVF),

which, according to him, is supported by the vast majority of Republicans, conservatives and Christians.


Photo: MTI/EPA/CJ Gunther