The enemies of the two countries in both elections are the deep state and the swamp, between which it is pointless to look for differences, according to Miklós Szánthó.

Only Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán clearly see that open borders, "woke madness" and the continuous escalation of war can come to a very sudden and devastating end, said Miklós Szánthó at the congress of the National Association of Young Republicans in Tampa Bay.

In its statement reporting on the speech, the Fundamental Rights Center informed: Miklós Szánthó emphasized that because of this, the year 2024 will be a super election year.

"The most decisive vote in America's history will take place in November, and we Europeans will face our biggest test in June," Szánthó pointed out, who emphasized in his speech that "the enemies of the two countries in both elections are the deep state and the swamp, between which it is pointless to look for differences."

In the United States and Europe, "the federal centers occupied by the left seek to deepen our civilizational crisis and embrace the three deadly dangers of mass migration, gender brainwashing, and war," the director general added.

"Together, we will drain the swamp, both in Brussels and in Washington, we will bring the monsters living there to light, expose their crimes, and end their rule forever," declared Miklós Szánthó in relation to CPAC Hungary.


Cover image: Trump and Orbán are fighting the same battle
Source: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák