A triumphant report on the genocide. Undoubtedly it is, and what is even more astonishing is that the publishers of the report about it are counting it as another success. Where else is America sinking?

Even the name of the organization is a lie, as Planned Parenthood translated into Hungarian would mean Planned Parenthood, but the only plan is about how to kill as many innocent fetuses as possible. According to the pro-life portal LifeNews.com, this organization alone killed 392,715 babies in 2023, which represents a 5 percent increase compared to the previous year.

Planned Parenthood, which carries out feticide as a business, claims that they only protect women's health, but it is well known that by health protection they mean killing.

What's more, they unabashedly, without any moral concerns, and even – as you can learn from one of the most shocking films – specifically persecute those who, acting in defense of life, try to dissuade women preparing for abortion from the murderous intervention.

(The film Life Unexpected tells the story of Abby Johnson, who as a young director of Planned Parenthood was involved in 22,000 fetal murders, but when she saw firsthand the horrors of what are hypocritically called necessary interventions to protect women's health, she was like herself and faced the murderous organization.)

Joe Biden, who pretends to be a practicing Christian, and his vice-president, Kamala Harris, are enthusiastic and even angry supporters of abortion, and of the most disgusting way of killing fetuses, i.e. killing the baby until the last moment before birth.

They are advocating the creation of laws on the basis of which even doctors who refuse to kill fetuses for reasons of conscience would be obliged to carry out the murder.

In spite of the Supreme Court's decision, which overturned the Roe v. Wade decision, thereby canceling the mandatory abortion regulation in the entire country, Biden and Harris are still working to make this murderous practice effective again. True, it seems that they don't need to be born anymore.

However, Planned Parenthood is “just” one of the big organizations working to kill fetuses. Across America, a total of 930,160 abortions were performed in 2023, which means nearly one million children were killed. What is this if not genocide? Extermination of more than 2,500 fetuses per day. What is this if not mass murder?

American democrats are in the service of death. They support and even glorify gender theory, which is a sure way to significantly reduce the chances of conceiving children.

They advocate making abortion a basic human right, which serves to reduce the number of children born from normal relationships.

But their "excuse" is that they are not only working at home to reduce the number of humanity, they are also doing it, let's say, in Ukraine. True, a little more drastically, by supporting the war, by helping to "thin out" the Ukrainians and Russians. But this is a "philanthropic" activity, since it is also possible to slow down the reduction of the human population.

If Donald Trump does not win the presidential election in the fall, God bless America.

the film Unexpected Life here . Attention, it is only recommended for people over 16 years of age and those with strong nerves!

György Tóth Jr

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A total of 930,160 abortions were performed across America in 2023, which means nearly one million children were killed Source: Pixabay.com