"We have won every European election for twenty years, we are the most successful political community in Hungary and Europe, we cannot set a smaller goal, I recommend that we win this one too!" the Prime Minister announced in his campaign launch speech.

Let's make a clear commitment: as long as there is a national government at the head of the country, Hungary will not enter the Russo-Ukrainian war on anyone's side. But if it wasn't for Fidesz and the KDNP, if the government wasn't in the hands of the national forces, Hungary would already be up to its neck in the war, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday, at the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament election campaign launch event at Millenár.

The prime minister emphasized: pro-war governments, Brussels bureaucrats, George Soros' network send millions of dollars to Budapest for the pro-war left.
Those who do not even hide the fact that they want a change of government in accordance with the demands of their clients. Instead of a pro-peace government, they want a war government, and instead of a national government, they want a puppet government subordinated to Brussels and Washington, he emphasized. He added:

let's not leave Hungary, we have to fight!

The peace and security of the Hungarian people must be protected. We must protect our economic results. We must protect our families and especially our children.

So that they understand in Brussels: no migration, no gender, no war! This is stated in the election manifesto that we are issuing today

- said Viktor Orbán, who presented the document at the end of his speech.

The president of Fidesz opened his speech by saying:

"We have won every European election for twenty years, we are the most successful political community in Hungary and Europe, we cannot set a smaller goal, I suggest we win this one too!" He added: their opponents have not been able to gain people's trust for a decade and a half because they played with their honor and forgot about humility. He emphasized: electoral victory is only a means by which they can serve the people, and the governing parties have been doing this for 14 years.

Maintaining trust and earning it again is a difficult task, so if we want to win, we have to accept who we are:

we are the ones who put the Hungarian economy back on its feet, which was bankrupted by Gyurcsány's left

he declared. He pointed out: today there are one million more people working in Hungary and twice as many Gypsies as under the Gyurcsánys. We are the ones who gave the Roma jobs. We are still counting on them in this election fight, he said.

He emphasized that the governing parties have achieved that, compared to the period of the left-wing government, the minimum wage has increased by three and a half times, and the average wage has tripled, the value of the average pension has been increased, and the 13th month's pension, which the left had taken away from pensioners, has been returned. "We are the ones who halved the number of Hungarians living in deep poverty and we are the ones who will eliminate the poverty in Hungary that the left left behind," he said.

He stated: no left-wing lies or political mischief can overwrite reality. He pointed out: in 2010, the size of the Hungarian economy was about half of what it is today, that is

In 14 years, they almost doubled the size of the Hungarian economy.

While Hungarians had 3 million cars in 2010, today they have more than 4,200,000, and household financial savings have increased from HUF 1,000 billion to HUF 5,500 billion, five and a half times.

    "The truth is that Hungarians live better today than in the Gyurcsány era, although not as well as they would like."

- said Viktor Orbán, according to whom the people know this and that is why they want the Fidesz-KDNP to continue working again and again in every election.

    "The prospects for the Hungarian economy are encouraging, let's not be hypocritical. With this kind of work behind us, we are the top contenders for this election as well"

he declared.

He also talked about:

the leadership in Brussels has to go, it doesn't deserve another chance, there needs to be a change in Brussels.

He added: Today, Hungary's results are threatened by Europe, Brussels. "The strong, peaceful, free and happy Europe that we love so much and that we longed for all our lives under communism is crumbling before our eyes," he said.

He said that there is a big problem in Brussels, the management has declared bankruptcy. Europe's economy is declining, the green transition is a disaster, Ukrainian grain is ruining European farmers, migrants are pouring across borders, crime is increasing, violence is increasing. They want to re-educate the children and hand them over to gender activists - he listed the problems.

    Change in Brussels will not happen by itself, "we have to do it". We must occupy Brussels, push the Brussels bureaucrats aside and "take matters into our own hands".

If we don't do this, not only Europe, but also us Hungarians will pay a heavy price due to the incompetence and powerlessness of the leaders in Brussels - declared Viktor Orbán.

He recalled that he also launched the campaign in Brussels this week, but the rally was banned. He explained the text of the banning decision, according to which the event cannot be held because the purpose of the event is to bring together academics with national conservative views, representatives of culture and politics, and also not because these people belong to the right wing with religious views. The past and future of conservatism are inextricably linked to the idea of ​​the nation, the principle of national independence and the revival of unique national traditions, he cited the rationale.

According to the prime minister, the case was more scandalous than the final settlement: after two judges rejected the appeal, and then the Belgian Prime Minister published what was the correct assessment of the situation, the third judge upheld the appeal and the conference could be held. This is the rule of law over there, this is the rule of law, if it is Western, and they are still teaching us a lesson, he said.

Viktor Orbán said that today Europe is balancing on the border between oppression and freedom, and the current election will decide where it will move.

"It seems that the task awaits us here to save freedom in Brussels after Budapest," he said.

    Today there is a pro-war majority in Brussels, the mood in Europe is warlike, and politics is dominated by the logic of war

- declared the Prime Minister.

Viktor Orbán said: preparations for war can be seen from all sides, the NATO Secretary General wants to set up a NATO-Ukraine mission.

The European leaders have already drifted into the war, they see the war as their own war, and they are fighting it as their own war, the Prime Minister emphasized.
He reminded me: at first it was only about sending helmets, then came the sanctions - first not on energy carriers, then still -, then came the sending of weapons - first firearms, then tanks, planes -, then came the financial aid. Tens of billions more and more, now we are somewhere around a hundred billion in euros, he added.

"Money, paripa, weapons", but the situation is not improving, in fact, it is getting worse, we are one step away from the West sending soldiers to Ukraine, emphasized Viktor Orbán.

According to the Prime Minister, this is a vortex of war that can drag Europe into the depths. Brussels is playing with fire, what it is doing is the temptation of God itself, he said. The prime minister noted: in the beginning, world wars are never called world wars, they say the third Balkan war, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the division of Poland, and the end was then twice a world war.

We Hungarians know what war is like, we have been part of it enough times - Viktor Orbán indicated. That is why he is convinced that this war should be left out.

    This is not our war, we don't want a war, and we don't want Hungary to become a toy of great powers again. That is why we must stand up for peace, at home, in Brussels, Washington, the UN and NATO

- summed up the Prime Minister.


Front page photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the president of Fidesz, gives a speech at the Fidesz-KDNP European election campaign launch event at Millenáris on April 19, 2024.
MTI/Koszticsák Solid