Why should sovereignty not be a poisonous term in Europe?

Sovereignty is a poisonous term in Europe, said István Szent-Iványi - and he is right. Why should sovereignty not be a poisonous term in Europe? It's poisoned or rather toxic, let's give it some "scientific" flavor, otherwise how could we establish a new university major for it...

Gender major. Toxic major. After all, everything here is already toxic.

Masculinity, i.e. masculinity, is toxic, femininity, patriotism, the nation, the border and border protection are toxic, heterosexuality, tradition, the people and folk art are toxic - it should be called "völkisch" in woke language, and it's fitting to shudder - old fairy tales and all classics are toxic, fetal protection is toxic - there are already a hundred and fifty types of gender identity, there should be the same number of toxic ones.

Everything that is normal here is toxic.

And it already has a name. It has such a scientific name that the completely stupid, the incompetent, the idiots, the unnecessary, the incompetent can stand on the chair and look around proudly from there, only to make complete fools of the youth. There's a name for all of this - The Economist gave it a name, and then it's appropriate, and even has to be taken seriously:

"The right goes Gaga: Global Anti-Globalist Alliance." 

So Trump, Orbán and their associates are Gaga. Against them, Biden, Macron and their colleagues form the Global Globalist Alliance, i.e. Gogo. Gogo versus Gaga - they are the contestants of the new world politics.

There is one rule: no matter who wins, the judge cannot lose. Gogo: Global Globalist Alliance. Gaga: Global Anti-Globalist Alliance. Exciting, isn't it? It used to be called something else. But the toxic…

"Freedom! here they carry / Your bloody flags, / And our best ones die / During the long battle.”

Phew, how toxic this is, what poisoned sovereignty, rotten Gaga.

Freedom! Here they carry / Your rainbow, / And our best dressed as women / During the long fight... Well, that's good. That's how he woke up. That's okay. So Gogo.

Europe in the 21st century century, similarly humiliated, powerless and subjugated, as China was in the XIX. century - as they call it: "the century of humiliation". With the significant difference that China's ethnic-cultural homogeneity could not be broken, while Europe's is being broken. Who is this good for? For those who earn a lot on this.

How to break ethnic-cultural homogeneity? First of all, by taking identities. A person has three basic identities that mark his path for an entire life. In other words: religious, national and gender identity.

The religious identity of Europe (more precisely: the West) began to be taken away during the Enlightenment, and today the task has been checked, and the Western man no longer has a religious (Christian-Christian) identity. The taking away of national identity is coming to an end, globalization, "diversity", the opening up of the world is an almost finished process, all Gogo has to do is defeat, ban, and imprison a few struggling Gagas, and the great work is ready. The removal of gender identity is also progressing well - see, as above, we already count with one hundred and fifty different gender identities, that is, there is not one anymore, and all of this is taught at universities.

And what else do you need? Well, migration! It's going great too. The idiotic, zombie West, which is slowly losing all its identity, unleashes upon itself in ever greater quantities the mass which is not only unassailable in its religious identity, but downright bigoted, and consequently its gender identity is also fine.

(He was never actually national, he always thought in terms of a caliphate, an Islamic world.) This crowd is multiplying and has no regard for the West, which accepts it. To this crowd, the hedonistic pagan West is merely a subservient, inferior mass to be destroyed by birth rate, bomb, kitchen knife, and terror.

And let's not forget, I'm sorry: if you talk about this, you're a Nazi.

And let's not forget this, one more apology: in Europe, the Chinese TikTok blocks a German politician (AfD) because a French writer (Renaud Camus) uses the term "grand replacement" ("big exchange") in his opinion regarding a European policy (migration) when formulating. In America, on the other hand, they want to ban TikTok if the Chinese are not willing to hand it over to American ownership. He who rules the contradictions rules everything...

This is where we are now. Here also. And this West now wants to declare war on Russia. Gorgeous! What Napoleon and Hitler couldn't do, they will do - in pink leather thongs, sipping soy sauce without anything. Who is this good for? For those who earn a lot on this.

One day after the terrible terrorist attack in Moscow, CNN already concluded that Putin is no longer able to guarantee the safety of Russian citizens, even though the Russian leader owed his social support to the fact that the Russians believed he could create security for them. Clear, isn't it? Because if it doesn't work on the battlefield, then it will work with propaganda and destroying the Russian state. And only the Ukrainians should perish on the battlefield, as this is the essence of a proxy war. In the meantime, let's say increasingly harsh things, threaten to send soldiers, and then we'll see. According to classical dramaturgy, if the gun is out on stage, it must go off at the end of the third act at the latest. And the "judge" will decide when the third act will take place, since he is the one who can never lose.

It's all very Victoria Nuland. This scoundrel was the one who cheered the "Ukrainian revolution" on the Maidan in Kyiv, so that, after several weeks of demonstrations, he didn't want to get a spark, unknown snipers shot both the Ukrainian armed forces and the Ukrainian demonstrators. And so that spark just went off... And now the villain has been removed from the deck, since he is much more useful down there in the engine room. Let's try to remember: in the good old Cold War, there were still unwritten rules between the Americans and the Russians, which no one broke. Nowadays, the only rule really is that there are no rules.

It is a tragic spiral, it has tragic consequences and will be even more tragic.

And let's not forget this:

In accordance with the "make a lot of money" directive, after Macron and Von der Leyen, Charles Michel also announced the lesson: Europe must switch to a "war economy", the EU must urgently issue a "European defense bond" on the "international financial markets". In Hungarian: "Defense against Putin" will be a much, much bigger mess than "Defense against Covid" was.

In the latter case, the EU "only" borrowed a thousand billion dollars from the international financial markets, now it will have to borrow in the order of tens of billions. Who is this good for? For those who earn a lot with it. And those who hesitate to be enthusiastic will be banned...

Do you know what the psychological basis of the subjugation of Europe is?
The unabashed confrontation of Christian original sin and guilt with Christians! (And this is true even if the religious identity has already been taken away!) 1.: Accepting "migration" is equivalent to "penance for the sins of your white ancestors".
2.: Accepting the economic gutting called "climate protection" is equivalent to penance for the "sin of your overconsumption".
3.: Accepting the dehumanization called "LGBTQ" is equivalent to saying "God loves everyone equally, so it's a sin if you don't love us".

It is time to turn things upside down: the purpose of the concept of original sin and the sense of guilt is not to lead a person to destruction, but to help him towards eternal life through redemption and purification. If all of this is not made aware of the Christian-minded European masses with today's consciousness industry/social psychology tools and methods, then the Satanists will win mentally.

And the grave, where a nation sinks, / Nations take it all round, / And millions of people / There are tears of mourning in their eyes.

Come on please… What a Gaga. The West slowly sinks completely into Ginsberg's sphincters and hums happily to him. And we are promised from DK to MP that they will create a "real", "western", "European" country here. And that's the one, the only thing they don't lie about. And it's time for us to decide once and for all whether we want to be a real, modern Western and European country. Or we face Satan.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Civilek.Info/Péter Mészáros