Ominous Shadows - this was the first part of the Star Wars saga, and the fourth (how absurd, isn't it?) in order. I won't say that it was the most muscular, but it was undoubtedly a spectacular episode, just as spectacular as the rise and fall of the MSZP.

One of the ominous shadows, Ildikó Lendvai, is still brave, I almost wrote that with a straight spine, but that would have been a poetic exaggeration, so even today he is fighting a rearguard battle and from time to time infects the public discourse in the columns of Népszava. Komcs have always been very productive in this, and today is no different. Just as during the proletarian dictatorship (from which only the proletarians survived, the dictatorship flourished) they exterminated the enemy hiding in the darkness (meaning: the bourgeoisie) with burning hatred, as they put it, "proletarian self-awareness", so they did the same after the regime change. They sowed the seeds of hatred, diligently watered them with the juice of lies, and lo and behold, to their great joy, the shrub, nourished with the manure of base instincts, sprang up and became muscular. It has grown to the size of a redwood and

there are always a good number of unsuccessful, talentless, but endlessly envious people who eat the fruits of the tree of hatred with a good appetite.

Because how else can one explain that a part of society, which means the so-called intellectuals of Belpes, who are in an interestingly excellent financial position, is receptive to hatred, sucks in obvious lies with great pleasure and tries with incredible aggressiveness to believe and believe that they are the majority. All hundred of them. Or could there be thousands? Who knows?

Perhaps Ildikó Lendvai is the great decipherer of the phenomenon, who says that Viktor Orbán had a pig,

i.e. his luck. After all, this alone can explain the fourth two-thirds electoral victory, there can be no doubt about that. After all, voting is nothing but a big game of roulette, and with Orbán's black odd and unparalleled luck, it always worked out for him. It had to be this way, because according to Ildikó, he was just a pig.

The matron, whose complexion became unexpectedly wrinkle-free, writes that the prime minister came out of the suffering of others, i.e. the wave of refugees and the war, because "the suffering of others was also good for him: he could skillfully play the role of 'peace fighter' and 'national savior' in order to cement his own power ". Ildiko is not bothered by the fact that the "refugees" are mostly illegal migrants, whom no sane politician could release to his country. We see what happens there, where these "sufferers" were freed in herds (if you're talking about pigs, that's the correct definition). Now they are the ones who suffer from them, but not so much them, but the citizens of their country. Aren't the "unfortunates" who stab babies and children, behead teachers, cut the throats of priests, and beat their peers to death under the guise of Muslim laws, to be guided by pure intent? And then it brought a huge benefit to Viktor Orbán and Hungary that a war is raging in our neighborhood, that our compatriots living in Transcarpathia are also being dragged to the slaughterhouse guided by the noble idea of ​​an unwinnable fight. We managed to achieve that we were more or less left alone with our pro-peace attitude, in contrast to the pro-war idiots who have lost their minds, both in the Union and in NATO. World war, but according to Ildikó, Orbán has a pig. Well, if this is the pig, according to Ildikó, it would be good to slaughter it as soon as possible.

Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko?

You have to, because he says so too. He chants the protection of pedophiles, just like all the Komcsi-Libsi villains. I may be alone in my opinion, but the facts suggest that we made a big mistake. Not because K. Endre was pardoned, because on the one hand, he did not excuse a pedophile, because he had no idea that his boss was a pedophile. But let's say he was excused. He was convicted, went to prison - for much longer than the majority of real pedophiles - and served most of the time imposed on him. The pardon only reduced the rather severe sentence by a few months.

We made the mistake of letting two of our great female politicians be hunted down.

Both are brilliant minds and great women who have done more for this country in a few years than our Ildiko did in his entire life.

Sure, our plain-looking amazon, it's like that, even if you don't realize it.

Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko?

You still have to, because he says so. He pulls a rabbit out of a hat and starts talking about the "new star", that is, Pyotr Vengersky. The reason I don't write Péter Magyar is because this figure started his career with a KGB ticket. You know, he secretly made a recording (one because he hid the others so well that he couldn't find it himself) of a private conversation with his wife. What kind of vile worm is he who does this to his spouse?

By the way, anyone who listened to that recording knows exactly what they heard. The compulsive answers of a broken woman to the questions forced by her aggressive husband. You don't have to be a psychologist to understand exactly that Judit Varga would have even admitted that Viktor Orbán tried to kill her, just leave her once beloved husband alone.

What kind of person is he who not only makes a recording, but also blackmails his spouse with it, and then makes the recording public, exposes their private life to the plebs, making not only the life of his wife, but also the lives of their shared children miserable. Do you deify this disgusting figure, Belpis from Belpesti?

It can also be deduced from this that just because someone has a degree, they can still be primitive. He is so primitive that he can get into a lynching mood and howl just like a cowardly pack of coyotes. Together they feel power, but separately they are suicidal nobody.

It also shows primitive people that they admire the barrel speaker as a messiah and do not notice that Vengersky never says anything.

Besides, of course, defaming the Orbán government. What does it matter to the Belpisti that their admired villain is deeply silent about the questions that await answers? He is silent about illegal migration, he has nothing to say about the Russian-Ukrainian war, the world war snarls of European politicians who have lost their minds, he has nothing to say about gender idiocy, and of course not about who pays for the ferry, that is, where he got hundreds of millions for his demonstrations. Because only his most stupid followers can believe that he pays for the movements with "micro-donations" and out of his own pocket. Presumably they don't either because it's really believable, but because they want to believe it. This is what characterizes primitive people.

Dear Ildikó, is this what your messiah is like? If I were you, I wouldn't mention it, I'd rather be ashamed of it.

Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko?

I still need it. Smooth-faced mockingly refers to NatCon attendees. Although he considers the attempt to ban the Conservative meeting to be wrong, he does not mind it, because figures such as Nigel Farage, who, in his opinion, unleashed Brexit on England took part in it. I still remember the texts of Ildikó's mother party, among other things, that according to the Komcs, history is not determined by individuals, but by social movements. So is Farage a crowd? Was he the only one who wanted to leave the putty society called the European Union?

Please, Ildikó, and do not question the teachings of your great teacher, the Jew-hater Karl Marx!

But okay, let's accept that one person can have such an impact on events. For my part, I would then present Farage with a life-saving medal for leading his country out of a dictatorship. It is precisely the objectionable ban and its circumstances that prove where the dictatorship is these days. Where people lose their jobs if they don't join the "progressives", where Christianity is persecuted, where Muslim extremists are given more and more rights, where migrant criminals are only struggling with mental problems, even if they are murderers and rapists. England escaped from this, albeit late. Since their exit, the situation is no better for them than where they fled from.

Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko?

But it's still necessary, because now the slusspoen is coming. Because Lendvai dared to take freedom of the press and speech on his lips (his pen? his keyboard?). That's him! So who else?

He knows perfectly well what it is, since as a censor in the communist era he had nothing else to do but trample on freedom of speech and the press.

For him, the interpretation of today's progressives is natural, i.e. there is only one kind of truth and one kind of opinion is allowed, theirs. He didn't have to change, that's what he always represented. At most, he had to change the name, liberalism instead of communism, this is Lendvai's ideal of freedom.

Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko?

At most, the credibility of our little propagandist is exactly the same as the words of his beloved leader, Ferenc Gy. How did this wonderful woman say it at the time? "I'll say it slowly so that Viktor Orbán also understands: there will be no gas increase" . And it didn't happen - once. But it happened thirteen times. How credible is a propagandist, right?

I don't have to say anything anymore, Ildiko.

Author: fj. György Tóth

Cover photo: Ildikó Lendvai, former president of the MSZP. Photo: MTI/Lajos Soós