Henrietta Fángli made her mark at her first Hungarian national championship with an excellent performance. At the competition held in the Duna Arena, Ágnes Kovács broke her 24-year-old Hungarian record in the 100-meter breaststroke, but also won the 50-meter event. His performance did not show at all that life had put him through the harshest of tests in recent years.

The talent born in Marosvásárhely has been swimming since the age of five, until now he was playing in Romanian colors, but he got fed up with the conditions and humiliating situations there and decided to change. He is currently continuing his university studies in the United States, in Houston, swimming in the colors of Győr and was included in the European team of the Hungarian national team.

in his interview with transtelex , life has presented him with unblessed trials over the past years: neither the situation of the facilities in Romania, nor the relationship with the association, nor the support taking place in the background is worthy of a European country, so the opportunity to continue in Hungarian colors has come to him. his career.

"I never felt that I was considered important, or that I was considered a good swimmer at all: I was taken to a Central European competition at the age of 14, and then I participated in two Balkan championships with the Romanian team. In all three cases, if they wanted to start someone in breaststroke, they had to take me, because no one swam in the given (breaststroke) numbers in the given age group. Or if they also swam in breaststroke, then another competition was more important, so I got a place too, and they took me.

They forgot to bring my tracksuit to one of the Balkan championships. Before the selected competitions, the participants are given equipment, but the size I requested was somehow left out. Others got it, I didn't"

- said Fángli, then added that the association's pessimistic attitude was not motivating for him either.

"I didn't talk to anyone directly, and no one sought me out to talk to me either. I didn't meet anyone from the association during the entire national championship. I didn't even see the federation coach at the race, but since others talked to him, he must have been there. Information came back to me through my coach that

since I probably wouldn't make it to the final at the European Championship anyway, it wouldn't really make sense to call me there"

- recalled the swimmer, who had accumulated a lot of pain during the past period: "a lot has accumulated over the years, and the statement that I wouldn't make it to the final was very bad for me. I felt that many years of work had been specifically thrown in the trash. Why didn't you talk to me? They never congratulated me," said the third-year university student in Houston.

Fángli immediately drew attention to himself at the Hungarian championship, after he was able to stand on top of the podium in several numbers.

"For me, the Hungarian championship was a great experience. Since I have been swimming competitively and I know how successful Hungarian swimming is, I have been dreaming of competing there one day.

It was already a dream come true that I could be there and start. Regardless of the results, it exceeded all my expectations.

I've had quite a few disappointments in Romanian swimming, and I'm very motivated, if I'm going to swim in the Hungarian championship, then I should step up!" - stressed Henrietta Fángli, who wants to prove herself at the European Championships and is obsessed with the Olympic level time.

Source: Mandarin

Photo: MTI/Tamás Kovács