The way he sticks, no one sticks like him! Péter Márki-Zay not only glues: he also glues and sticks.

The adhesive is difficult to remove. It seems that the poster is easier. It's hard for him to bear the fact that he bought a passport to no man's land. Konyec - the end of the political frenzy. No one needs it.

Public morality and legal interpretation are not his bread and butter.

Pasting the CÖF-CÖKA posters is also free for freelancers. You have to pay for the rented places.

Transcribing and preventing the speech and expression of opinions of civilians is anti-democratic.

Unfortunately, we have to see the thrashing of an unfortunate liar in Hódmezővásárhely. Looks like we need to help him see that he's already been screwed over by an entire country on election night.

Mr. Ragadvány! On the political field, your game has been blown, you have become an uninteresting person, head to the locker room!

Péter Márki-Zay campaigns by vandalizing posters

The management of CÖF-CÖKA

Cover photo: Márki-Zay's fans vandalize CÖF-CÖKA posters