"Not even the comrades of the Komcs mutt world in Kádár, who have turned into socialists, dared to do this censorship developed at the pace of Brussels"

Mayor Lénárd Borbély banned Viktor Orbán from the publicly funded municipal paper, Csepel Hírmondó: the Prime Minister's recommendation, in which he recommended Zoltán Dudás, the Fidesz-KDNP mayoral candidate and his program to the attention of Csepel voters, with his signature and a joint photo, could not be published, Fidesz informed his organization beats MTI on Friday.

"And this fact permanently discredits the vile lies of Lénárd Borbély and Attila Ábel, who have been expelled from the Fidesz comradeship community for more than a year, with which they have been deceiving, deceiving and dividing the right-wing voters of Csepel for years" , which is why they did not allow the Prime Minister's recommendation to be published in the Csepeli Hírmondo - they wrote in the announcement.

    "Not even the comrades of the Komcs mutt world in Kádár, who have turned into socialists, dared to do this censorship developed at the pace of Brussels" -

stated in the announcement, noting that the last time a politician named a public institution after himself was the "Mátyás Rákosi Iron and Metal Works". Today we are back to where we were in the fifties, Lénárd Borbély's pseudo-civilian electoral party "Lénárd Borbély és Csapata" , they wrote. Today, this world is being rebuilt, they added.

    "There was a brutal attack on the freedom of the press, and even the Barbers insulted our fundamental freedoms, the right to express opinions, information and vote"

- they highlighted in the announcement. They stated that they "want to use administrative means to silence the Prime Minister of Hungary and the mayoral candidate of the Fidesz-KDNP, in order to prevent the Csepel electorate's free information and the opportunity to learn about positions and opinions different from theirs" . Moreover, they added, during the election period, just as it happened with Donald Trump in America or with the right-wing, conservative politicians in Brussels last week.

    According to Fidesz from Csepel, Lénárd Borbély would ban Fidesz not only from the newspaper, but also from the ballots if he could.

The announcement also stated that "Lénárd Borbély's party's astronomical campaign, his luxuriously furnished election office on Rákóczi út, the entire operating costs of his party and the political campaign of the associations launched in alliance with him are paid for by hundreds of millions of forints from local government funds".

"The mayor's loyalists, the traitors to Fidesz and the left-wing representatives bought for one billion voted for him together in the 2024 budget," they wrote.

Fidesz in Csepel asked the local right-wing and government party voters to think, not to allow themselves to be led, not to believe the lies, and to use their rights to information, form an opinion and vote bravely and wisely.

"Lénárd Borbély is not national, not Christian and not conservative, but duplicitous and hypocritical," the party organization wrote. They pointed out that he is running against Fidesz in the election, in the colors of a party disguised as a citizen and civilian, with the total support of the local left and the Soros media. They put it like this: " I wonder why Lénárd Borbély is called Péter Magyar from Csepel?".

"Whoever votes for Lénárd Borbély is voting against Viktor Orbán, the national-Christian-conservative government and the comradely community of Fidesz," they wrote in the statement.


Photo: MTI/Tamás Vasvári