They originally wanted to roll a 410-meter long pancake, but they got so excited that they overturned the target by more than 300 meters.

In the past few weeks, the rabbit people started a huge organization: they set themselves the goal of breaking the record for the longest pancake snake. The goal was a continuous, overlapping roll: originally 410 meters long, but after the news of the record attempt in Komárom, it was changed to 450, and then on May 4, 740 meters were rolled, Győri Hírek wrote.

The previous Hungarian record was set in Nádújfalu with a 400-meter-long, strung-together pancake, and they signed up to beat it from Komárom, where they plan to roll a 450-meter pancake snake on June 7 from the Jókai pancake house in Komárom.

However, this will not be enough for the record. On Saturday, at the Pancake Festival in Nyúl, they could stop winding around three o'clock in the afternoon: the momentum and the pancakes would have lasted, but the table turned out to be not enough, so the 740-meter snake was born

- one of the organizers, Kata Buzásné, told Győri Hírek.

Gábor Bedők, head of Gabusz Kft., baked 1,270 pancakes with his family and colleagues. Yes, 1270 pcs. There is no such number. The Csintalan team brought over 500 pcs. But Mrs. Judit's kitchen also baked 419 pcs. There were several teams that I can't list because we "just put them down", but they brought a lot of pancakes

- wrote the main organizer on his social media page after the record attempt.

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