Gabriella Gerzsenyi called the measure helping millions of Hungarian families useless.

Péter Magyar and the 6th-ranked member of the Tisza Party's list in the European Parliament, Gabriella Gerzsenyi, admitted in a 2023 post that she had been looking for a reduction in utilities in Hungary for years.

Source: Facebook

"I have described myself countless times, even as an official in Brussels, in official reports, that the country is cutting the wood under itself with the reduction of utility bills, and it should be put to an end. Useless. Well, now I no longer have an official mandate to propose this," he wrote.

Between 2005 and 2021, Gerzsenyi worked in Brussels at the European Commission. The woman entering the political field is also on the capital list of the Tisza Party, marked by the name of Péter Magyar. On social media, he presented himself as a "Eurocrat", among other things.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Péter Magyar, leader of the European Parliament list of the Tisza party, party vice-president at the Mother's Day rally held in front of the Great Reformed Church in Debrecen on May 5, 2024. MTI/Koszticsák Solid