Péter Magyar saw a radio as an internet blocker.

According to Péter Magyar, the secret service has started to block internet and mobile phone access in the locations of the Tisza Party's tour of the country. The politician, who has become the current messiah of the opposition, "called on" Interior Minister Sándor Pintér and Antal Rogán to "not limit the freedom of the Internet and the free expression of opinion". Magyar even shared a photo of two men who, according to him, were plainclothes police officers and had blockers with them.

However, it turned out that the signal jammers mentioned by Péter Magyar do not look at all like the devices shown in the picture.

Responding to the politician's statement, Police.hu wrote: "The news is spreading on social media that police officers have blocked the internet and the availability of mobile networks at the locations of some meetings. This is of course not true, we did not do this and we are not aware of such a thing. The hard-to-identify photographs published on social media most likely show a service (EDR) radio device, the kind used by the police, including our staff assigned to secure the meetings.

In other words, Péter Magyar could watch a simple radio as an "internet blocker".

The basis of the conspiracy theory was probably the phenomenon that at events where more people than usual gather in one place, internet access can slow down and even signal strength can go down due to the limitations of the network's capacity.

It can also be ruled out that anyone blocked the internet, because not everyone's internet in Hajdúnánás was down, for example, the live video of Debreciner, which functions as a local left-wing paper, went down smoothly.

This was also confirmed by several commenters under Péter Magyar's post:

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Péter Magyar has recently also envisioned internet blockers
Source: Facebook/Péter Magyar