Well, the French president would terrify Russia with other people's sons.

Defying the consequences, Emmanuel Macron continues to push the war narrative, Magyar Nemzet reports At his last online campaign event, the French president said that he hoped that French troops would not have to participate directly in the Russian-Ukrainian war, but

there will probably come a point when Russia pushes too far in Ukraine, and then Western powers will have to enter the war”

Macron said, adding that he thought "we need to deliver more weapons to the Ukrainians and make it clear to the Russians and to all Europeans that we are ready to act to deter them."

As is well known, French President Emmanuel Macron is ready to open a debate on a European defense cooperation that could include nuclear weapons in addition to long-range and anti-missile weapons.

The French politician was thinking of countries that have nuclear weapons or that have American nuclear weapons.

"Let's put everything on the table and see what really protects us authentically"

Macron declared in his speech at the Sorbonne on April 25. As he noted, Paris is ready to contribute more to the defense of the continent.

Featured image: MTI/AP/RTR Pool/Stephanie Lecocq