He invited DK politicians 888 times to the live broadcasts of the public media over the course of a year, which was accepted only once - this is also stated in the letter of the CEO of the MTVA, which Dániel Papp wrote in response to the politician of the Gyurcsány party, Csaba Molnár.

In addition to the DK politician, Judit Varga's ex-husband also wants to debate in the public media.

In his answer, Dániel Papp also wrote, I quote: we started organizing a public debate related to the EP elections before your request - it was said in M1 Hírado.

"The note is old, only the character is new"

- wrote Közmédia's Election Office, evaluating Péter Magyar's call as violent and aggressive. According to the statement, the operation of the public media is regulated by laws, and no one has the right to override the rules just because their political ambitions dictate it.

Csaba Molnár, the campaign chief of the DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd joint list, was answered by the CEO of MTVA. Klára Dobrev, the EP representative of the Democratic Coalition, shared this on her social media page. This shows: Dániel Papp asked the politician in the letter to respect the human dignity of all employees of the public media and refrain from derogatory statements. At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that the public media already started organizing a public debate before the calls.

Dániel Papp also wrote: between April 2022 and April 2023, the public media invited the politicians of DK to the live broadcasts of the public media 888 times.

In recent years, the public media have been accused by the opposition of not being allowed to appear in the public media. These allegations are false.

We show the truth. From the elections of April 3, 2022 to April 2, 2023, we sent them a total of 6,764 invitations. But the vast majority did not accept this: in 6,603 cases, the representatives did not show up.

DK received one of the most inquiries. We invited them a total of 888 times, of which 444 were on M1's Ma regleg program. Equally, Kossuth Rádió Good morning, Hungary! to his show. However, they only came to the M1 once. We waited for them 887 times in vain.

We called MSZP even more than that. In total, they received almost 3,000 invitations from us to appear on TV and radio. But, similarly to DK, they did not take advantage of the vast majority of opportunities. They stayed away 2,960 times.

We also called Momentum almost a thousand times. The total number of inquiries sent to them was 920, but they only came 10 times. In 455 cases, the TV studio and also in 455 cases the radio studio would have received them, but their representatives did not come.

In a significant majority of cases, Jobbik did not take advantage of the opportunity offered by the public media either. They received 718 invitations from us. Half from M1, the other half from Kossuth Radio. 702 times, however, we waited for them in vain.

We also called the Dialogue, a total of 666 times during this period. They never appeared in the studios of either M1 or Kossuth Rádió.

By the way, Dániel Papp indicated in his letter to Csaba Molnár:

soon, the presidents of all 11 legally established parties will receive the official request from Duna Médiaszolgáltató and MTVA, which is about a public debate.

Dániel Papp's letter is published below without changes:

Dear Mr. Campaign Manager!

I reject your personal comments, and at the same time, I ask you to respect the human dignity of all employees of the public media and refrain from disparaging statements.

Even if the court just convicted one of your party's representatives in the second instance - a crime against the order of elections, as well as disorderly conduct and bodily harm - which he committed against a staff member of the public media, and to this day neither he nor the public media he didn't apologize at all.

Reflecting on your statement, I remind you that between April 2022 and April 2023, the public media invited your politicians to the live broadcasts of the public media 888 times (M1: Ma reggel; Kossuth Rádió: Jó regleglt, Magyarország!), which were accepted only once away. We can support the provided data with written documents.

As for "falsification of news", lies, let me remind you of the famous words of your party chairman, Ferenc Gyurcsány: "We lied morning, night and night!", I think this says everything about the truth you represent!

At the same time, I would like to point out that prior to your request, we started organizing a public debate related to the EP elections. In this way, the president of his party, Ferenc Gyurcsány, and the presidents of all the parties that put up a valid list will soon be able to receive the official request of the DMSZ and the MTVA!


CEO Dániel Papp



Featured image: Csaba Molnár/Facebook