"In an interview with CNN, Joe Biden created a fantasy world about his presidency that voters know is false," reports Fox News.

The New York Post writes in its editorial that US President Joe Biden told an amazing number of lies when he spoke to CNN anchor Erin Burnett this week. The Post editorial board accused Biden of

 told "one lie every minute"

and he depicted the president as Pinocchio.

Fox News reminded: the White House came under pressure from news portals, especially The New York Times, for not giving interviews to journalists who are willing to ask tough questions. It turned out why.

“Wednesday's conversation with CNN's Erin Burnett shows why the president won't comment. In a short 17 minutes, Biden told 15 lies, which is almost one lie every minute. From lies about the economy, to Trump, to digressions about Israel,

Biden has created a fantasy world about his presidency that voters know is false”

they write. They then list the fifteen lies item by item, starting with Biden's claim that he created more than 15 million jobs as president.

They emphasize, "Biden's favorite lie to tell over and over and over again, no matter how many times fact-checkers disprove it."

Indeed, Biden took office at the end of the pandemic, which made a hole in the economy, as the shutdown policy supported wholeheartedly by the Democrats drove people out of their offices.

"It didn't create anything," he asserts, after the introduction of the vaccine, people simply returned to the labor market.

If anything, Biden's policies slowed the recovery, they write, which took until July 2022 for the U.S. economy to regain all the jobs lost to the pandemic. After that, all of Biden's cheeky lies are debunked in the rest of the editorial.

We are curious to see if there will be any consequences for the American president trying to lead public opinion with obvious lies.


Featured image: MTI/EPA/UPI pool/Bonnie Cash