Zoltán Lomnici Jr., the spokesperson of the CÖF-CÖKA, said that if the People's Party is true to its own principles, it will not include the Tisza Party in its ranks. At the press conference, the CÖF's NGO Locator, which investigates the activities of pseudo-civilian organizations, also provided new data, this time the financial support of Ökotárs and the complicated relationship between Globsec and Bajnai Gordon were scrutinized.

- The CÖF-CÖKA is sending a letter to the People's Party representatives of the European Parliament, after one of the founders of the Tisza party characterized by Péter Magyar, according to press information, was an in-house agent of the state security agencies during the Kádár regime and prepared reports - said Mr. Zoltán Lomnici at the press conference of the Civil Solidarity Forum - Civil Solidarity Public Foundation. As he said, if the European People's Party is true to its own principles, it will not include the Tisza party in its ranks, Magyar Nemzet . Zoltán Lomnici Jr. recalled the 2009 statement of the European People's Party, according to which an organization that cooperated with oppressive totalitarian regimes cannot be a member. In other words, if the EPP insists on its own principles, the Tisza Party must be persona non grata for it, he added.

At the press conference, it was also discussed that national citizens have a duty to shed light on the activities of pseudo-civilian organizations, and the latest results of NGO locator programs were presented.

Zoltán Lomnici Jr. indicated that Globsec, which includes Gordon Bajnai, former left-wing prime minister, and Zoltán Varga, the billionaire owner of Central Media Group, which also owns 24.hu, is a migrant-friendly and pro-war organization. He indicated that Globsec also cooperates closely with the American foundation close to the CIA, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

"Gordon Bajnai is a pro-war and pro-migrant politician," underlined the CÖF-CÖKA spokesperson. He added: Zoltán Varga is a pro-war and pro-migrant media mogul. He also emphasized that Globsec receives grants not only from György Soros's Open Society Foundations, but also from various states, which will thus not be in the crosshairs of the organization's activities.

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Photo: Civilek.info

Máté Tordai, the specialist coordinator of CÖF-CÖKA, said that they have started the inspection of the Ökotárs Foundation, which was justified by the second call for tenders, implemented with the organization's cooperation and funded by the financial resources of the United States Embassy in Budapest. He indicated that the tender, funded by American public funds, was carried out in a joint call for tenders by the Ökotárs Foundation, which is connected to the Soros network, and the Mérték – Media Analysis Workshop.

Quoting from the call for tenders, he indicated: "American dollars" could be applied for by those media that publish impartially, high-quality articles on public affairs, i.e. with the cooperation of Ökotárs, the opportunity was once again opened for investigative work, possibly based on foreign interests, for HUF 30 million; for example, "Magyar Narancs", which is biasedly critical of the government, received four million forints.

    He recalled that when the tender was first announced, more than 115 million forints were awarded, between 5 and 8 million forints were awarded to the "feminist" Klubrádió, Nyugat.hu, Qubit and Telex. Magyar Hang, Átlátszó, Jelen and Magyar Narancs received nearly 10 million forints. "György Soros's blog", 444.hu, and Tilos Rádió, one of whose presenters called for the extermination of Christians, received more than HUF 10 million, he listed.

The Ökotárs report reveals that among the organization's supporters in 2022, in addition to an American organization working for the national security of the United States, Soros's Open Society and several organizations supported by the American billionaire also appear, he said.

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Photo: Civilek.info

Ökotárs also indicated that at the end of 2022, with the support of the EU, it will launch the tender program called Our Common Values. So far, the Átlátszónet Foundation, the K-Monitor Közhaznú Egyesület and the Society for Freedom Rights have received support from the program's resources, Máté Tordai informed.

They also helped the Háttér Társaság's campaign supporting the rights of LGBTQ people, and they supported the organization's strategic litigation to help law enforcement, he added.

It is clear that while Hungary cannot access the resources it is rightfully entitled to from the Norwegian Fund, thanks to foreign funds, Ökotárs systematically implements an ideologically and politically biased distribution mechanism in line with foreign interests, said Máté Tordai.

You can watch the press conference here:

Source: Magyar Nemzet / MTI / Civilek.info

Photo: Civilek.info