The philosophy of civil government is based on strengthening natural human communities.

No matter how much pressure, financial blackmail or political threats come, the Hungarian government will stand by the traditional values ​​of Europe, Christianity, families and nations, Mihály Varga declared at the handing over ceremony of the new building of the Kiss Pál Museum in Tiszafüred, as announced in the communiqué of the Ministry of Finance.

The Minister of Finance emphasized that in Europe, which is changing and losing its identity, value-saving and tradition-preserving institutions have become crucial, which is why the government will continue to support them in the future.

The head of the ministry noted: Tiszafüred has several great opportunities today, one of which is the revival of spa culture, which can be expected to attract significant tourism. The other is the presentation of the cultural heritage, which can stand as an independent attraction. The minister also noted that in addition to the building of identity in the city, serious development has also taken place in the fields of education, economy and sports.

Mihály Varga drew attention to the fact that the philosophy of the civil government is based on the strengthening of natural human communities, which is also expressed in its contribution to the development of the museum.

The institution was renovated with government support, for a total of HUF 105 million. As he said, all those institutions that work for the preservation of tradition and values ​​can count on the government's support in the future.

The minister explained: the Kiss Pál Museum is one of Hungary's oldest museums outside the capital, founded in 1877. The museum material goes back to prehistoric times and the ice age and covers the entire local history for thousands of years.

Cover photo: Mihály Varga
Source: Facebook/Mihály Varga