I admit, I've been avoiding the topic for days. I tried to forget, because just thinking about it makes me sick. And also because I don't want to believe that there are so many filth living among us, so many human-looking objects imbued with vile temper. But I had to realize that imitating the ostrich was impossible.

We could do as I did for days, but the only thing I achieved was that my anxiety grew stronger. What should I call those vile, murderous figures who are almost swimming with happiness because a liberal Bolshevik run amok tried to kill the democratically elected prime minister of Slovakia. What kind of human waste is this?

For as long as I can remember, I have been guided by Christian-conservative principles. Of course, my upbringing plays a role in this, the fact that even as a child I hated the dictatorship called socialism, and this dislike of mine extended not only to the system, but also to its representatives. The feeling did not change even after 1990, what's more, it only got stronger against the successors and ideals of the state party. They gave plenty of reasons for this and still do today, because not only would they have disappeared, but rather their band grew, or at least became louder.

I do not like any representative of their "great ideals". I am repulsed by the angry, shrieking wife of Öszöd, I can't stand the two momentary treasonous personas, and the wife-torturing, lying new messiah makes me nauseous - and I could go on and on. But!

I would never, in any case and on any occasion wish for their death! Not only because my faith forbids it, but also because, despite all my dislikes, they are human beings, and killing, even in thought, is a deadly sin.

What are you, murderous revelers? And what are those who are part of the hate tsunami? Those who are now drooling longing for the Hungarian Prime Minister to be attacked, should someone kill him? (I don't ask "who are you", because such wording would assume biological waste to be human.) What kind of unquenchable hatred leads those who dare to describe such a disgrace?

Here are the new Bolsheviks, the Lenin boys - and what is even more tragic, the Lenin girls, women - the ideological heirs of Tibor Szamuely with bloody hands, the nocturnal beasts gathering at the smell of blood. Those who, once freed, would indeed do what they are now threatening to do to those who disagree with them, shoot us to death, tie us up, throw us up on the IFA plateau with a pitchfork. Not much separated these villains, beasts stripped of their true selves, even at the demonstration of their new messiah, when they menacingly attacked the TV people, so let's not be too complacent. Brainless scum can do anything if they attack in a pack.

Where does this far from human accumulation, this all-consuming hatred come from? The hatred that has no reason or basis in the world, they only hate for the sake of hatred. The blue-stockings and very intellectually ignorant guys from Belpes are going crazy there, but if you ask them why they hate you, they have no meaningful explanation. All they can say is "filthy FIDESZ", even though they would do better if they washed their mouths before that. Because dirty is dirty, but that is not FIDESZ. They smell their own poison-soaked breath.

Hate is not a path, proclaims the lacy-minded Bolsheviks or neoliberals, and then they rush off to hate.

Moreover, their parties incite hatred, and then put their own shoes on the Christian-conservative side. Now, after the assassination of Robert Fico, they are doing the same. They were always very good at this, accusing others of what they themselves do. They called us anti-Semites, but on the banks of the Danube they spit in the shoes symbolizing the victims shot into the river, they joke that the Jews did not get cold in the gas chambers, and now they shake their fists because the Hungarian government stands by Israel and does not support Hamas terrorists.

They complain about how corrupt the government is, while their foreign owners are corrupting them with hundreds of millions and they have cases related to embezzlement of EU funds.

They demand heads to fall on the pretext of the pardon scandal, they dare to pedophile Christian-conservative people (all of them!), but when it comes to their own, truly pedophile cases, they are either silenced or denied.

They slander the Hungarian government as traitors, while their representatives in the European Parliament have done nothing but betray and slander their country for 5 years.

They dare to lie that there are no consequences for "crimes" in so-called right-wing circles, while their legally convicted representatives have no intention of bearing the consequences.

They talk about oppression and dictatorship, but without batting an eye, they incited their angry, revenge-hungry policemen on the peaceful commemorations on October 23, 2006.

And they are the ones who incite me even now. Because a political assassination is sad, isn't it, but they immediately add that Fico is to blame for being shot at. This is real hatred and meanness when the victim is blamed. After hearing and reading this, you don't even need to take an expectorant, it works without it.

And now I'm reading the "announcement" of the MSZP, which has shrunk into insignificance, but still considers itself a factor. In short, this is the typical expression of the "not a word of it is true" text. The document is written by Imre Komjáthi (who is that? I read that he is the co-chairman of the MSZP, but that doesn't mean I don't know who it is) for the reason that Máté Kocsis wants to somehow prevent the hate comments unleashed on social forums as described above.

Komjáthi says that Fidesz has been inciting and "making enemies" for the last 10 years.

Well, there's a problem with that. According to the signs, Mr. Komjáthi may have a hearing device that does not allow Ballibs' texts to reach his consciousness, but generates never-said hate sentences from the opposing side. Dear Imike, who threatened us that if the catastrophe were to happen, that the New Bolshevik side would come to power, he would make everyone who is a "servant of the NER" run aground, and put him in prison. Have you ever heard from Viktor Orbán that he intends to wipe you out completely? I remember only one of his sentences in which he mentioned accountability, but unfortunately he was unable to fulfill this promise.

And you don't need to produce enemies, there are plenty of them even without production. If you look in the mirror, you can see some of them in person.

Mátén Nagyeszű Komjáthi Kocsis is held accountable for not standing up for the protesters against the "civil stigmatization law" in 2017 (!), in the face of Zsolt Bayer, who condemned the protesters with passionate sentences. But little Imike, what was that law? They wanted to make transparent the foreign support of organizations that lied to civilians. In other words, you lied again, they would not have acted against the civilians, but only against the paid agent organizations. Not by banning, but by clarifying who these "civilians" serve. Of course, this is unpleasant for you, but why? There is no need to look for the answer, since then it has been revealed about more and more paid agent civilian organizations who are their real owners and whose orders they fulfill. Moreover, not only "civil" organizations, but also political parties can be agents serving foreign interests.

This good man writes more lies, but it would be a shame to list them item by item. I could if I wanted to, but I don't feel like it. Those on the Christian-conservative side know anyway, and the opposing side is deaf to the truth and blind to reality.

Brother Komjáthi, before you accuse others of hatred, you would do well to look around your own company. You'll be surprised how many haters you've run into.

However, those who get mixed up in bran...

Author: György Tóth Jr

Photo: Imre Komjáthi Facebook