János Áder and his wife, Anita Herczegh, decided 3 years ago to create a foundation to help orphaned or semi-orphaned children due to the coronavirus epidemic. During the time that has passed, the task has not decreased, but rather increased, the foundation told MTI on Wednesday.

The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is getting further and further away from people. However, many families now face even more problems, for example, because their reserves, if they had any, have now been used up. That is why the Regőczi Foundation considers it important to draw attention to them and to continue to help the Covid orphans in as many ways as possible.

Covid is over, but orphanhood is eternal, children still need attention and care - the announcement quotes the words of Anita Herczegh, president of the foundation's board of trustees.

Thanks to donations, the Regőczi Foundation tries to help orphans, half-orphans and their families. The pandemic has shown: if cooperation is needed, the Hungarian people can be counted on. However, attention wanes over time, so it is important not to forget about them. In the future, we will continue to work on being able to help them in the long term. Let's find as many donors as possible and support all those in need as much as possible - said Anita Herczegh.

Since 2021, more than 1,600 children, young people and their families living in different parts of the country have benefited from foundation care. In addition to financial support, they also deal with mental, spiritual and legal assistance, mediation of cultural and sports programs, camping, holidays, and connecting offers and needs.

For the first time this year, the foundation can also receive 1 percent of personal income tax. The technical number of the Regőczi Foundation, which must be indicated on the provision: 19302599-2-43. The 13650 donation line is still active, with the help of which anyone can support the Covid orphans with HUF 500 from anywhere (except Telenor network) with a phone call or a text message.

All information about the forms of donation can be found on the regoczialapitvany.hu website.


Front page photo: Anita Herczegh, wife of the President of the Republic, president of the board of trustees of the Regõczi Foundation, welcomes Sándor Balla, president of the Canadian Hungarian Entrepreneurs' Association, who symbolically hands over a donation of ten thousand Canadian dollars to the foundation that helps orphaned or semi-orphaned children as a result of the coronavirus epidemic at the Sándor Palace on February 16, 2022.
Magyar Élet magazine, the newspaper of Hungarians in Canada, the Consulate General of Toronto, the Canadian partner office of the Hungarian Export Development Agency and the Canadian Association of Hungarian Entrepreneurs organized a fundraiser for the benefit of the Regõczi Foundation. MTI/Noémi Bruzák