He held an EP list leader debate at Partizan, but only four people went.

On Friday evening, Partizan held the debate of the EP list leaders in the Congress Center, where they invited all parties and party alliances whose support exceeds 3.5 percent on average according to the latest estimates of public opinion polls.

The debate was attended by Klára Dobrev, joint list leader of the Democratic Coalition, MSZP and Párbeszéd, Anna Donáth, representative of Momentum, Le Marietta, candidate of the Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party, and László Toroczkai, candidate of Mi Hazánk. The presenter was Márton Gulyás.

The leader of the Fidesz list, Tamás Deutsch, refused to participate in the event, the vice-chairman of the Tisza Party,

A few hours before the start of the debate, Péter Magyar indicated by phone that he did not wish to participate in the event.

Among other things, MKKP candidate Le Marietta said that "despite the frozen funds, they will start a money distribution, the Robin Hood fund, which means that they will distribute the advertising money that can be spent on them." This will be given to people so that they can use the available resources to make "useful, funny projects", it was said.

Anna Donáth is proud of withholding EU funds

On behalf of Momentum, which was threatened with dropping out of the EP, Anna Donáth explained that they had proven that it is possible to carry out meaningful opposition work in Hungary.

The leader of the party's list stated that in the last five years they have achieved that

"the EU closes the NER's money spigots. It should not be possible to steal EU funds and build an autocratic system".

He also mentioned that he is proud that he and Katalin Cseh managed to "shake the Orbán system" , as well as that he participated in the development of the rule of law mechanism.

Klára Dobrev fenced alongside the United States of Europe

Among other things, Klára Dobrev argued in favor of the United States of Europe,

"next to a Europe that is able to take care of its own citizens and can ensure prosperity for us Hungarians as well, because it benefits us".

According to Toroczkai, the campaign has been based on lies for weeks

László Toroczkai, representing Mi Hazánk, said that in recent weeks the campaign was based on a lie that Fidesz could be replaced on June 9. According to him

it is not possible to replace the government now, because it will not be a parliamentary election, but a European Parliament election.

"Fidesz must be replaced in 2026. Now we should talk about what kind of European Union we imagine," he said.

"Whoever believes that the opposition community needs to be strengthened after June 9, so that we can stand up to it with renewed strength and disrupt Viktor Orbán's system sooner, should vote for the Greens and Social Democrats community"

Dobrev already said that.

After that, Toroczkai noted that it doesn't work that even though Momentum lobbied to withhold the EU funds - which would go according to the contract - they didn't say that we shouldn't pay until then.

The Mi Hazánk politician even added here that, in his opinion, "the European Union is not a democratically functioning organization".

The left believed in supporting Ukraine

In relation to the war and the sanctions, Klára Dobrev accused Viktor Orbán of lying, saying that "there will be no war", but did not address the fact that Emmanuel Macron and others are already advocating sending soldiers to Ukraine, and that NATO is also urging an increasingly active role.

"It is in the interest of the Hungarians that Putin does not win this war. The security of Hungarians is threatened only by Viktor Orbán's policy"

- said the politician from the Gyurcsány party.

In response to the question about the sanctions, he essentially denied the news of the past period and spoke about the fact that they are more harmful to Russia. He added, "Orbán should tell his boss to stop the war" . On the other hand, according to Toroczkai, the sanctions harm Hungary.

Both Anna Donáth and Le Marietta argued for the support of Ukraine, according to the Momentum politician, the European Union will be strong if we help our neighbors to join as soon as possible.

Currently, Ukraine is also fighting the war for us, and the sanctions are working, explained the momentous EP representative.

Klára Dobrev said that the sanctions can be a means of defeating Putin, they harm Russia.

Then I turned to the issue of migration. Toroczkai - who is also the mayor of Ásotthalam, located near the southern border - said that

Mi Hazánk continues to say no to the migrant quota.

According to him, the migrants crossing the southern border are not refugees, but criminals, and allowing them in means the suicide of Europe.

At the same time, Klára Dobrev thinks that

those who really need asylum should be allowed in".

whoever comes in unworthily must be sent back and action must be taken against human traffickers.

You can watch the debate in its entirety below:

Featured image: Anna Donáth and Klára Dobrev at the Balázs Csonak campaign event in Veszprém on March 30, 2022 - Photo: DK Veszprém / Facebook