If you're untalented and clueless, you can still be genderfluid. He who does not understand the words of the new times, should blame himself. Written by Zsolt Bayer.

We wrote 1974. I am eleven years old. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest was ABBA with the song Waterloo, which was later voted the best song in the history of the competition in 2005. The Swedish group ABBA was made up of two married couples - that is to say, this should be understood as the two female members of the group were the wives of the two male members of the group - it was a long time ago, well, outdated times...

The two married couples, one woman and one man, sang:

 "Napoleon surrendered at Waterloo / Oh yes, I met my fate in the same way, / The history book on the shelf always repeats itself, / Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the war / Waterloo - promise I will love you forever..."

And so on. Buggy, but cute.

We write 2024. I am sixty-one years old. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest is a certain Nemo, whose stage name is I don't know exactly what, his song is called Code.

He sings:

“Welcome to the show, let everyone know… I'm done playing, I'm breaking free from the chains, I'm pouring another cup, This is my bohemian (??), so drink it up, my friend, This story is my truth, I've been to hell and back , To find myself on the field. I cracked the code, oh Like the ammonites. I just gave it some time, now I found paradise. I cracked the code, oh…”


This particular Nemo, the current winner who cracked the code, is, by his own definition, "non-binary."

In this case, it's worth turning to Wikipedia for an explanation, so that you don't say something stupid, so:

"Non-binary gender identity is an umbrella term for gender identities of the transgender spectrum that are not exclusively male or female, i.e. outside of this two-pole (binary) division. The name genderqueer or gender-nonconform, taken from English, is also used.

Non-binary has nothing to do with biological sex or gender identity, there are also intersex people who identify as non-binary. Gender identity must be distinguished from romantic or sexual orientation: these can be just as different and diverse for non-binary people as they are for binary people (cis or transgender women and men).

Non-binary gender identity is not necessarily recognizable by a person's appearance or behavior: non-binary people can express their gender identity in different ways. Gender binary also includes people whose gender identity moves between several genders (for example, male and female): this is genderfluid identity.

There are also non-binary people who temporarily or permanently do not feel that they belong to any gender: in this case, we are talking about agender (gender-free) identity. Beyond these, there are other concepts to describe the gender of individual people. Those who feel that they belong to a third gender can also be non-binary - in some countries, such as Germany, there is even an official legal option for this."

Well, that's it. How lucky that this is already taught in a separate university course, it is more than necessary to sort out the idiots with scientific thoroughness.

Nemo even sings to us:

Yes, let me tell you a story about life - In the good and the bad, it's better to hold on, who decides what's bad, what's good? Everything is in balance, everything is easy [...]

One more aha… A big, heavy and important aha.

Because it doesn't hurt to remember that in times of declining and dying cultures and civilizations, the big lie always emerges, according to which it is impossible to decide what is good and what is bad, that is, there is no longer objective good and bad.

Both good and bad become genderfluid. They flow into each other. It will be a parody and tragicomedy of freedom.

This is what Nemo sings to us fifty years after ABBA, in the non-binary, pink, fluffy little top, cute, girlish skirt, and he breaks the code like the ammonites. I don't understand the latter. How do the Ammonites, the descendants of Lot conceived in blood infection, come here? Perhaps incest is the key, the code? Which has to be broken, since there is no longer good and bad, so what's wrong with incest? Or is the code for the eternal opposition of the Ammonites, who are related to the Hebrews but hate them, with the Jews? We can't rule this out either, since the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic frenzy in Malmö, with the participation of Greta Thunberg, was a charming side effect of this year's song festival, spiced with a fun little pogrom atmosphere, stabbing, and the whistling of the Israeli contestant.

If you don't understand the words of the new times, blame yourself.

There was a touching moment of the competition, when Nemo's "non-binary" fellow contestant, the Irishman, broke down in tears because the Israeli singer made it to the finals, crying that the EBU "fuck me". Anyway, he performed his production masked as the Irish "non-binary" devil, together with something also masked as the devil, tattooed on his brain. It was a nice satanic séance.

The "non-binary" Nemo stated after the competition that his greatest desire is to create a joint production with the "non-binary" Irishman. Homopedo's encounter with Satanism on the autopsy table of the past Europe.

Only fifty years have passed since ABBA. And the Moloch of the Ammonites of old is more cheerful these days. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zakharova said:

"Eurovision 2024 is beyond any orgy or ritual sacrilege. Western Europe's funeral is going smoothly. There are no surprises.”

It hurts me the most, but I have to say: you are absolutely right. Márton Attila Farkas put it this way:

"It's sick, orderly and lowly, but at least it's boring! A kind of musical giant crocodile vs shark vampire category, only politically harmful at least."

It doesn't hurt that much, but I have to say this too: he is absolutely right.

And you know who else is right? Byung-Chul Han, a Swiss philosopher of Korean origin, who writes in his book The Disappearance of Rite

Neoliberalism exploits morality in many ways. Moral values ​​are consumed as distinguishing marks. Everything that increases self-worth is charged to the ego's checking account. These enhance narcissistic self-esteem. Through values, we relate not to the community, but to our own ego.

Exactly. And from this follows, moreover, necessarily follows the devaluation of values, the apotheosis of the worthless, the tinsel, the emptiness. If you're untalented and clueless, you can still be genderfluid. If you can't think of anything, become a modern performance artist. Or do "modern" theater.

The neoliberal system exploits morality. Dominion is complete the moment it pretends to be freedom. Authenticity represents a neoliberal form of production. Man voluntarily exploits himself in the belief that he is realizing himself. By mediating the cult of authenticity, the neoliberal system appropriates the person itself and turns it into a more efficient production plant. Thus, it integrates the whole person into the production process

Byung-Chul Han writes. And indeed. Today, the deformed, the sick, the abnormal, the ugly pretend to be free and exercise a total dictatorship over the limited normality.

Crack the code.

He slaps Moloch's hand and kisses the forked-tongued Satan. Then you will be amazed by your greatness.

The compulsion to be authentic leads to narcissistic introspection, we constantly deal with our own psychology. Communication is also organized psychologically. The society of authenticity is the society of intimacy and disempowerment. Spiritual nudism lends it pornographic features. Social relationships are all the more real and authentic, the more private and intimate expressions they allow.

Yes, and from this follows another theorem of the Korean (far, eastern, nana!) philosopher:

Rites [...] create a community without communication, while today communication without community is dominant.

That's what it's all about. That and that's the song festival - and the whole West. Which West is just now removing all its true rites to replace them with emptiness and the abnormal. And it follows precisely from this that just the other day, the harmful fools who think they are modern, progressive and, above all, very important, started delirious about the need to abolish the high school diploma. God, of course!

Why wouldn't they want to abolish the high school diploma, as one of the great rites of becoming an adult...!

Today, forms of repetition such as memorization are derided as stifling creativity and innovation. Memoriter is apprendre par coeur in French. According to this, only repetition can reach the heart. In view of the increasing disorder of attention-focusing, the introduction of a new school subject, »ritual studies«, was recently proposed in order to practice ritual repetition as a cultural technique. Repetition stabilizes and deepens attention.

This is why the high school diploma should be abolished. You don't have to graduate, you don't have to enroll, everyone can go to university "freely". Gender major. And from there straight to the Eurovision Song Contest. Waving the gender flag.

Fifty years. That's all it took to get this far.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: civilek.info/Péter Mészáros