Once someone is religious, especially if he is a Catholic believer, it is not enough for him to feel good at Mass. Interview.

Your Eminence Cardinal! Pentecost is our third biggest Christian holiday after Easter and Christmas, when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the outpouring of his gifts. What is the reality of the Holy Spirit, how do we experience its presence?

In the trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the idea of ​​the Almighty comes to mind primarily of the Father himself. The Son, the incarnated second divine person, is close to us, since he also became a real person, so we can represent and know him in the person of Jesus Christ, and his teachings expressed in human words are left to us. And the Holy Spirit is a force that lives within us, which we already received on the first Pentecost - and again and again since then.

We attribute many effects to the Holy Spirit in our individual lives, but also in the life of the church and even in the functioning of the world. The Old Testament says that the Spirit of the Lord fills the globe.

This becomes alive for the Christian man, since this soul no longer appears as an impersonal force, but as the third divine person. We attribute to him the gifts that also appear in the Old Testament, which we name separately when we offer the sacrament of confirmation. These are wisdom - not simple lexical knowledge, but knowing what to do - reason, advice, science, piety or, in other words, religiosity, strength, fear of God. These gifts align the believer on the path of life.

The full interview can be read in Magyar Nemzet!

Featured image: Zoltán Havran / Magyar Nemzet