Miklós Soltész to young people: Christ is calling you too, just not on a mobile phone.

Christianity is the answer to the Babylonian confusion, which is also characteristic of our time, Miklós Soltész, the state secretary responsible for church and ethnic relations, declared on Monday at the opening ceremony of the Szilágypér Reformed Church in Partium.

In his speech, the state secretary, who arrived in the Szatmár county settlement from Csíksomlyó, highlighted two of the many crowd scenes in the Bible that can be contrasted: the Babylonian confusion and Pentecost. He pointed out: the Babylonian confusion is also typical of our time, which is why it is difficult for young people and adults alike to find their way around it. As an example of this, he mentioned the gender issue and the war raging nearby.

In contrast, the miracle of Pentecost was that the people gathered from all over the world at that time understood each other, because the teaching was simple and direct.

"We could safely call this celebration, the renovation of the church, the miracle of Pentecost," said Miklós Soltész, because it was the result of cooperation, the Hungarian and Romanian states supported it financially, but the residents of the settlement and their descendants also helped with donations.

"What is this if not a Pentecost gathering? What is this, if not the message of understanding each other's words, understanding the message? That Christianity is the answer to the confusion of Babylon"

said Miklós Soltész.

He emphasized that it is not important who seeks the way of Christ in what way and in what language, as a Reformed, Catholic or Orthodox. "The important thing is to find the message in each other, to find unity and community in each other," he said.

He warned: We are facing a huge challenge in Romania, the Carpathian Basin and Europe, and Christian people can reverse the "madness" in the world today. "Christian people can pray and plead for the Babylonian turmoil to be silenced and for our message to be loud," he underlined.

Szilagypér Reformed Church renovation

The renovated Reformed church on Szilágypér in Partium on the day of its handover, May 20, 2024.
MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi

He spoke separately to the young people, encouraging them to follow Christ: "Christ is calling you too, just not on a mobile phone," he said, asking them to be careful with the digital device, because it also hides many lies that can distance them from the church and the nation.

Csaba Pataki, the chairman of the council of Szatmár county, which is about to be renewed, recalled his childhood, when a handful of congregations joined together and renovated their battered church. The renewed church gives faith to the congregation, he said.

He pointed out: we must continue to build the future together, but in order for construction to be easier, the Hungarians must be among the decision-makers in Szatmar, Bucharest and Brussels. He emphasized:

this year is decisive, because "the walls are not enough, the beautiful buildings are not enough", they must be filled with faith, and the communities must be kept Christian and Hungarian.

Éva Nagy, adviser to the Romanian State Secretariat for Religious Affairs, interpreted the message of State Secretary Ciprian Olinici, emphasizing that every occasion is a holiday when we focus on "preserving and developing our faith, our mother tongue, our culture". He underlined: it is possible to remain and create something lasting by preserving the values ​​and working together.

He assured the Reformed bishop János Bogdán Szabolcs of King's Pass and the pastor of Szilágypér Sándor Szabó that they could count on their help, and he asked the faithful to open the doors of their renovated church as often as possible.

The complete renovation of the medieval Reformed church in Szilágypér began in 2022, due to the wetness of the walls, the plaster also had to be knocked down, and the work continued from there. In addition to around 500 enthusiastic congregations, the works were supported by the Hungarian and Romanian governments.


Front page photo: Miklós Soltész, the Prime Minister's Secretary of State responsible for church and ethnic relations, gives a speech at the handover of the renovated Reformed church on Szilágypé in Partium on May 20, 2024.
MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi