The office of the head of state responded in a statement on Wednesday afternoon to the fact that Klára Dobrev called the President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok a common law criminal.

Klára Dobrev, a member of the European Parliament of the Democratic Coalition, claimed that she can prove with documents that "President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok is a common law criminal".

The Sándor Palace has now issued a statement in response to this. "Dr. President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok has not practiced his profession as a lawyer for more than 10 years. During his legal activities, he acted in accordance with the applicable laws and his lawyer's oath.

Dr. Tamás Sulyok has nothing to hide. He never cooperated in concluding an illegal contract

they wrote.

"As a citizen, lawyer, constitutional judge and president of the board, the head of state trusted and still trusts the Hungarian justice system. Knowing the artificially whipped up political atmosphere, the head of state is not surprised by the attack on his person, at the same time the slanders that were uttered as part of the election campaign, however extremely considers it unfair and categorically rejects it"

- they said in the announcement. Finally, they also added:

The Sándor Palace will take appropriate legal action against the slanderer.

Klára Dobrev previously called on Tamás Sulyok to resign because of the case. The DK politician also announced that he would hand over the documents to the prosecutor's office on Thursday morning, and then hand them over to members of the press.


Featured image: Klára Dobrev, MEP representative of the Democratic Coalition (DK), leader of the European Parliament list of the DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd gives a speech at the joint campaign event of the DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd in Ajka on May 10, 2024. MTI/Tamás Vasvári