CÖF-CÖKA statement regarding Klára Dobrev's slander against the President of the Republic.

The leader of the dollar left, Ferenc Gyurcsány, and his party are afraid that they will lose their leadership role as a result of the advance of the current messiah of the left in the opposition field, and that is why he continues his dishonest practice - devoid of all moral and ethical basic values ​​and principles - which is a meaningful act that takes into account the interests of the nation instead of politicization, he sees the purpose and essence of political involvement in the deceitful hysterization of public life.

We can all remember when the Gyurcsánys called the conservative government elected with a historic democratic majority illegitimate in our nation's church, but also when they incited against our blood from across the border or threatened the community of those who think about national values ​​with complete impossibility.

The wife of the ex-prime minister who destroyed our country, and at the same time her advanced garrison, is now calling the main Hungarian public dignitary a "criminal under common law", even twisting one on the immoral left-wing practice that has exposed him to continuous, sexless and unfounded attacks and slanders since his election the President of the Republic – based on his professional career and also as a person – blameless, whether it is about his past or his ancestors. All this in order to capture the attention of the moment.

The Gyurcsánys were apparently frightened by the fact that their pro-war foreign financiers started defecting to Péter Magyar, the new, self-appointed leader of the left, which is why they are desperately trying to do everything they can to regain their leading position in the opposition field with their actions based on fabricated accusations.

However, we, citizens with a national sentiment, spiritual defenders of the country, reject this kind of political perception based on slander, and - as we have never done before - we continue to not stand up to the provocations of the left.

At the same time, we call on Ferenc Gyurcsány and his wife to distance themselves from the interests of their foreign clients suffering from war psychosis in these dangerous times, and show responsible behavior not to weaken the stability of the Hungarian state, which is on the side of peace, by exposing the president of the republic, who embodies the unity of the nation, to deliberate and sexual attacks person and office.

The management of CÖF-CÖKA

Cover image: Klára Dobrev, EP representative of the Democratic Coalition (DK), leader of the European Parliament list of the DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd
Source: MTI/Tamás Vasvári