Today, the left accepts money from abroad as a staunch, so it is a question of whose interests they would act in the event of coming to power, pointed out the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office.

- At yesterday's meeting, the government evaluated the war situation, which also means an overview of the front lines, as well as the reaction of Europe and our allies. The situation is getting more and more difficult, there are countless reasons for this, said Gergely Gulyás, the government official on Thursday. According to the information of the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office, the Ukrainian army has difficulty holding the front line, the consequence of which is the forced conscription that takes place throughout the country. Ukrainian citizens, including Hungarians, are also at risk of forced labor in Transcarpathia.

Gulyás stated: Hungary still does not extradite anyone to Ukraine.

He reminded me: Manfred Weber wants to introduce compulsory military service in the Union. This would apply to both men and women. This is joined by the French and Estonian prime ministers, who demand the sending of soldiers to the territory of Ukraine.

Manfred Weber is completely unhinged, he would enlist women as well

"Hungary is interested in NATO only making a decision that Hungary can stay out of," he added. As he said, that's why it doesn't matter what proportion of the pro-war members there are in the EP.

Regarding the overview of the proceedings before the European Court, the minister said that Hungary will face a fine for not enforcing a judgment, but the EC postponed the announcement of the decision until June 13.

– We are being punished because of the legal border closure, and they would oblige us to pay 6 million per day. This clearly shows the European attitude to border protection, said Gergely Gulyás.

He added that, therefore, although migration is not so much in focus because of the war, the stakes of the upcoming election are also that representatives who do not support migration and who support the strictest external border protection will gain a majority in the parliament.

Speaking about national developments, government spokesman Vitályos Eszer said that MOL's HUF 1.3 billion investment was handed over in the last two weeks, to which the Hungarian state contributed HUF 130 million.

- Twenty-eight billion forints were used to renew kindergartens and nurseries, road development projects were implemented, sports complexes were renovated, cultural investments were made and the Nyíregyháza animal park was also expanded - he listed.

Regarding the digital program, he said that by 2026, citizens will have all rights and administration, so there will be no need to take time off for administration.

Pre-registration for this is possible at the government window. For this, you need to be at least 14 years old, have a smartphone, and the appropriate documents.

To questions, Gergely Gulyás said that hacker attacks regularly hit government interfaces, but in the case of the ominous 2022 Russian hacker attack, no sensitive information was leaked, no confidential data was leaked to anyone. It was a hacker attack, but no confidential data was leaked, he added.

Regarding the assassination of Robert Fico, as well as the hateful comments that appeared afterwards, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office said that there is a level of hate politics that is not legal and violates the law. "This phenomenon has become commonplace in the world of comments, and it is the responsibility of all portals not to give space to them. This is illegal, freedom of speech is not equal to incitement to hatred. "They are hating facelessly and unidentifiable, some are ordering physical abuse, which should not be allowed," he emphasized.

The government spokesman called it amazing that some media outlets turned off the possibility of commenting after a few hours.

Regarding yesterday's report of the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty, Gergely Gulyás said that it is important that as many people as possible get to know the report, and if anyone disagrees with it, they should refute the published report.

- Until now, there was a consensus in Hungarian politics, today the left accepts money from abroad as a staunch one. The question is, in whose interest would they act if they came to power, said Gergely Gulyás.

According to the minister, the fact that Gergely Kovács Kovács of the Dog Party is the joint mayoral candidate of the left is the next step in the moral decay of the left. "It shows that drug dealers also have a chance as mayor, according to the left. Parents who live there and don't want their children to have access to drugs in the district will not vote for him," he stated.

Klára Dobrev claimed yesterday that she has evidence against the President of the Republic Tamás Sulyok. The Alexander Palace later denied it. Regarding the matter, Gergely Gulyás said that it is beyond dispute that the head of state is one of the most respected lawyers in Hungary, who has worked according to his high moral standards in recent decades.

They see that there is a lot of crowding on the left, which is why Klára Dobrev does not shy away from false accusations for a little publicity. According to the minister, what the DK politician claims is a lie and ridiculous, and in fact, he is at best committing a crime in this matter.

The Sándor Palace will take legal action against the slanderer

Will Alexandra Szentkirályi withdraw from the mayoral candidacy? Gergely Gulyás said that Fidesz would be happy if Budapest had a candidate for mayor from Fidesz.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Government Spokesperson Eszter Vitályos and Prime Minister Gergely Gulyás at the Government Info press conference in the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office building on May 23, 2024.
Source: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd