The mayor continues the car chase, now he would banish vehicles forever from the lower wharf of Pest, which is crucial for traffic.

According to Alexandra Szentkirályi, Gergely Karácsony would permanently close the lower wharf in Pest from cars. The candidate for mayor of the governing parties published information on social media that

the mayor would now completely destroy Budapest's traffic by permanently closing the downtown section of the Lower Wharf in Pest.

Karácsony personally accepted the plan to close the wharf with the left-wing Metropolitan Assembly.

It seems that this is his personal madness, even though the Hungarian Automobile Club and the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry have also assessed that the people of Budapest do not want this, Karácsony is not interested in this at all. And now he is lying about it, without question and would not only close a small section of the quay, but the entire downtown section from the Freedom Bridge to the Chain Bridge

- pointed out Alexandra Szentkirályi, who said that the traffic chaos caused by Christmas has now become a barrier to the capital's economic growth.

The new traffic-reducing measures may further aggravate the traffic chaos in the capital, as currently 2,400 cars pass through the quay every hour.

With the closure, this traffic would be diverted to the inner city streets with narrower intersections, and thus air pollution, traffic jams and chaos will increase in Budapest.

As usual, the mayor doesn't think about the fact that the flour has to go to the bakery, the baker to the oven, the bread to the shelves, and the customers to the shops, added the mayor candidate of the governing parties.

Regarding the car chase, Budapest Brand CEO Csaba Faix made a statement on the ATV Start program. According to him, in the event of a possible renovation, if a main route is closed, it would really cause serious disruptions in the first day or two, but after that, motorists will find other routes.

In the past period, Gergely Karácsony and the capital have taken a number of measures to make it impossible for motorists to travel throughout the city, starting with painted bike lanes on Nagykörút and Üllői út, and closing the Chain Bridge.

The head of the climate agency recently hastily founded by the left-liberal city government led by Gergely Karácsony, and the former MSZP shadow minister, Ámon Ada, added another shovel to the transport policy of the past five years and announced:

they would banish old vehicles from the capital's roads.

According to Ámon Ada, banning cars can be easily solved, and they are working to create so-called zero-emission zones in the capital. In the meantime, however, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior, there are currently hundreds of thousands of cars on the city's streets that do not meet the expectations set by Budapest led by Gergely Karácsony. In this way, the capital would in many cases take away the possibility of using a car from the most vulnerable or disadvantaged persons.

Mayor Gergely Karácsony started chasing motorists almost immediately after his election, and has been making the lives of Budapest drivers miserable for almost five years.

The Office of the Mayor previously investigated the issue of introducing a congestion charge, but almost two years had to pass after the election of Gergely Karácsony before he pulled out the plan to banish motorists again. The planned exclusion of diesel vehicles from traffic in the capital would have affected 30 percent of the 1.3 million passenger cars registered in Budapest and the Pest county, and one hundred percent of the 170,000 commercial vehicles, i.e. more than half a million vehicles in total, according to data from the Central Statistics Office for 2020.

However, Gergely Karácsony, as is typical for him, was not able to realize these ideas either, while the traffic chaos throughout the city continued to worsen.

Instead of banning cars, Gergely Karácsony forced traffic calming in Budapest. Meanwhile, however, it did not offer a real alternative for those coming from the suburbs or the agglomeration. Thus, contrary to his promises, the mayor did not develop huge free P+R parking lots along the city border, where commuters from the agglomeration could park their cars, and he did not continue the expansion of fixed-track traffic either.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Since his election, Gergely Karácsony has been making the lives of Budapest residents miserable
Source: Facebook/Gergely Kárácsony