The Office for the Protection of Sovereignty came into possession of several new, so far undetected information about the background of the attack on Hungary's sovereignty during its investigation, the results of which have now been published.

The network influencing the 2022 parliamentary election from abroad is still active today and is working for the escalation of the war in Ukraine, the Office for Sovereignty Protection wrote in its report on the investigation of the recordings published on social platform X published on Wednesday, which also states that during the period under review, about 5.5 million dollars were delivered to Hungary through the American-registered foundation Action for Democracy (A4D), and the DatAdat group of companies appeared in the 2019 mayoral campaign of Gergely Karácsony.

According to the report, part of the money went to the DatAdat group of companies linked to former Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai.

According to the report, based on the information, the DatAdat company group has already appeared in the 2019 mayoral campaign of Gergely Karácsony (Momentum-DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd-LMP). They wrote that the service offered by DatAdat to the Christmas campaign "used a prejudiced categorization that violates human dignity in the grouping of voters."

According to the office, based on the information discovered, the service offered by DatAdat extended, among other things, to the operation of social media platforms, as well as a mass e-mail sending and online petition system, which created an opportunity to conduct disinformation campaigns.

Based on the available information, the data of 6.1 million people were offered for this purpose, which "also raises the need to strengthen the sovereignty related to the protection of the data of Hungarian citizens," the report states.

The Office for the Protection of Sovereignty has warned that this is not a one-time case, but a threat that is still active at the moment, which is behind an interest group that has been active in the region for a long time.

According to the report, the office came into possession of several new, so far undetected information about the background of the attack on Hungary's sovereignty during the investigation.

It was established that a network-like structure with its own political and business interests spanning the whole of Central Europe operates behind the prohibited foreign campaign support. Countries where they can effectively assert these interests are considered good allies, but where there is a leadership that conflicts with their interests, they want to achieve political change.

The report also states that the Hungarian elections are influenced to enforce the interests of the network, and the members of the network make references to similar interference in connection with the recently held elections in Poland and Slovakia.

It was not the parties that received illegal foreign funding that sought supporters, but the big donors that sought executors to achieve their own goals, the report emphasizes, which highlights:

the speakers on the recordings identified György Soros as one of their big donors.

Based on the examined recordings, the report also touched on the fact that members of the network are lobbying for the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the United States as well. The report presents the statements of Wesley K. Clark, a retired general of the United States Army, a member of the A4D advisory board, who spoke with András Simonyi, a Hungarian diplomat living in Washington, for example, about the coordination of war conflicts to be faced by the United States and business opportunities.

According to the report, they also talked about how their stance on the issue of war contributed to the formation of a pro-war stance in American politics and criticized the Biden administration for not intervening in the war to the extent necessary.

The office also examined recordings published on the AX platform. They wrote that the recordings on which actors involved in the illegal foreign financing of the DK-Jobbik-Momentum-MSZP-LMP-Párbeszéd electoral alliance talk about influencing Hungarian elections and Hungarian politics are authentic and not manipulated.

Based on the information contained in the report, the office warns the Hungarian state bodies that "the presented structures and processes continue to seriously threaten the integrity of the electoral processes and the sovereignty of Hungary".

The full report can be read on this page .


Cover image: György Soros, American businessman of Hungarian origin
Source: MTI/EPA/Laurent Gillieron