Enthusiasm for tourism is not only back, but stronger than ever.

Two years after the collapse of tourism caused by the coronavirus epidemic, people are again in the mood to travel. This year, more than a third of Hungarians plan to go on a trip to relax.

At the same time, the majority view the constantly rising prices with concern, and this continues to be a serious challenge for domestic tourism - according to the recent Tárki research conducted on behalf of Everguest, the proportion of people planning a trip is increasing this year compared to last year:

More than a third of Hungarians (34%) plan to take part in longer or shorter trips.

Our research among the Hungarian population has shown that the desire to travel has recovered after the epidemic: a third of the active age group travels regularly, while among those who stayed at home last year, every tenth person is already planning a trip this year

Miklós Belán, the founder of Everguest, emphasized, adding that it is particularly noteworthy that 83 percent of regular travelers will travel again this year, which indicates that

Enthusiasm for tourism is not only back, but stronger than ever.

A third of the active age group travels regularly 

It was also revealed that last year more than half of the respondents, i.e. 54 percent, traveled for several days domestically or abroad for several days, more than a quarter, 26 percent twice, 11 percent three times, and 9 percent four or more times.

This year, 54 percent of travelers plan to travel the same number of times as last year, 32 percent less, and 14 percent more. The survey also pointed out that men and people from Budapest are more active travelers, while people from the countryside are less likely to take part in travel adventures.


Based on the type of settlement, 56 percent of Budapest residents and 31 percent and 31 percent of those living in towns and villages would do the same. The older age group plans vacations more modestly, while younger and middle-aged people alike want to relax: 44 percent of both young and middle-aged people, while 18 percent of the older age group have travel plans for 2024. In terms of education, there is no visible difference in the willingness to travel.

Is Balaton really the Riviera for us?

Balaton remains an unbeatable destination among Hungarians.

Never before have so many people planned to spend their vacation on the shore of the lake during the summer season than in 2024.

76 percent of the respondents would like to vacation at Lake Balaton this year, but more than a fifth of the respondents (21%) answered that they cannot go to Lake Balaton this year due to financial reasons.

Budapest is an attractive world city

Interest in the capital continued to grow, thanks to successful domestic campaigns. Almost three quarters of respondents (69%) want to visit Budapest this year. And those who do not want to travel to Budapest mainly justified this by the capital's overcrowding and the high price level.

Are the prices gone?

Although the tourism boom is striking, high inflation is causing concern among travelers

Miklós Belán, Everguest's tourism expert, evaluated the results of the research, adding that 60 percent of the respondents answered yes to the question of whether inflation will affect travel and restaurant visit opportunities in 2024 as well.

We love our stomachs and restaurants

The Everguest-Tárki research also examined the popularity of restaurants. According to this, 70 percent of those who visited a restaurant last year plan to visit a restaurant this year, and another 18 percent have already experienced such occasions. 61 percent of them think that they will eat at a restaurant a few times, 18 percent once a month, and only 7 percent plan to do so at least weekly.


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