Everyone, except the Ukrainians, knows exactly that Ukraine is not fighting for the interests of the Ukrainians, but for the interests of the Americans.

Unfortunately, Europe's leaders are currently the same as World War I and World War II. They were the leaders during World War II! It is very easy to send the youth of a generation to war from a heated, warm apartment and a pleasant family environment, from a group of like-minded friends, especially if the person is making a good living doing so. (Because no one is stupid for free.)

There are two basic types of wars. The war of national defense, where heroes sacrifice their lives to protect their country, and the population is proud of its fallen heroes. The other type is senseless war, when a brainwashed leader is able to sacrifice the youth of his country on the altar of some idea in order to achieve his own goals. That's probably where we've been lately. The Russo-Ukrainian war is probably like that. Anyone who looks at the current pictures of Ukraine, the destroyed cities, the impossible living space, who thinks about how it is possible to survive in a city without food, electricity, water and gas services, in a windowless, unheated apartment, even if the apartment remains, is certainly not he wants war. Anyone who sees how a lifetime's work and all their memories become the past in an instant, how the owner becomes a stateless tramp with nothing left, neither wants war nor anyone who is injured in such a way that his continued existence depends on the mercy of others.

What does Europe have to do with the Russian-Ukrainian war between the two Slavic brother nations?

In principle, nothing, but in reality, the war launched to weaken Russia is taking place here in order to maintain the monopoly of the USA. The USA will have to compete with China for supremacy sooner or later, but that may require Russian energy and raw material reserves. The condition for obtaining these is a weak Russian leadership, which is a vassal of the USA.

That is why the USA provoked the war against Russia with Ukraine and supports Ukraine with weapons and money.

Of course, everyone except the Ukrainians knows exactly that Ukraine is not fighting for the interests of the Ukrainians, but for the interests of the Americans, because it was previously occupied by the USA without occupation. The current Ukrainian government has ensured that the interests of the USA are served by brainwashing the people. That is why the world's best agricultural lands have come into the possession of foreign powers and multi-companies. The current EU leadership, apparently under the pressure of the background power, disregards the interests of European countries and acts according to the interests of the USA. We saw this when the so-called cheap, so-called Ukrainian, which did not meet the European requirements, flooded the European markets with grain and agricultural products produced by the large multi-companies with the Ukrainians, damaging the European farmers by destroying their markets, who expressed their displeasure with demonstrations. The EU officials took some apparent measures to calm them down, but the farmers stopped the demonstrations only because the spring seasonal work started.

At the same time, we have also seen that the EU requires its member states to support the war against Russia.

Despite their own interests, the majority of the member states have already handed over the majority of their weapons to Ukraine, so now they want to further support Ukraine against the Russian occupation by taking out a joint loan. European pro-war leaders, yielding to EU pressure, agreed that only Ukraine could be right among the warring parties, and therefore the Russians must be defeated at all costs.

Today's developed countries are exposed to the power and enrichment interests of the all-powerful financial aristocracy, the background power that does not tolerate resistance.

These influence politics and the fate of the countries of the world through multi-companies, the media, the banking system and the so-called NGO organizations they create. The goal of the money aristocracy is to create a world government that rules over humanity and its possessions. (Older people still remember the idea of ​​communism.)

The developed world has become divided on the question of whether to build the future as a community of independent states, preserving its own traditions, or to live on as part of a world government, as a vassal of a central power.

The realization of world government first begins with the creation of the United States of Europe. They want to implement the foundations of this by quietly reforming the EU and gradually withdrawing the independence of the participating states. Indigenous peoples living in some countries of the EU who preserve their traditions and who, by sticking to their customs, would hinder its implementation, are therefore undesirable, therefore the implementation of the plan is carried out by reducing the number of people and changing the population.

In order to organize a population exchange, they instigated the masses of migrants with no local traditions, foreign cultures and religions to Europe, whose resettlement divides the population (with their mass and consumption, the migrants will hopefully also increase profits, replace the missing workforce, generate pensions and blah...blah...) With new people who do not have local ties, they are trying to achieve the formation of a population that can be influenced according to their goals.

The obvious way to reduce the number of white people is to prevent their reproduction.

That is why the background forces force the lifestyles that have this consequence on the white population of developed countries. Such is mee too, gender, the forcing of abortion, Black Lives Matter, and any movement that confuses traditional gender relations, resulting in infertile generations growing up, where children are not born, or if they are, they will no longer be able to parent.

Regrettably, the population, which has become apolitical due to economic prosperity, and their parties, which have gradually lost the moral support given by their former religion and belief in Western Europe, have chosen low-level leaders who are servants of the background power, who are talentless and therefore unable to act sanely in the interest of their own people.

They even voted in the EU that men can give birth too.

After this, we should not be surprised that they support the settlement of the masses of Muslim migrants of color who cross their borders illegally, without caring about the future fatal consequences for the native population. You can already see how the strong Islamic faith of the resettlers overwhelms the weak resistance of the locals, which allows them to adapt to the foreigners by losing their past, traditions, and churches.

The Europe that supports and accepts such nonsense has lost its common sense, which is the basis of its existence and survival. These European countries will soon be made like the countries from which they fled here by the strongly religious immigrants of color.

This means the end of Western Europe as it is today.

It is slowly becoming clear that the EU and its countries, which abandoned the protection of Christian values ​​developed over 2000 years, the morality that defined the foundations of human coexistence and created the world's most advanced culture, are incapable of dealing with the problems of today (war, migration, to the Covid epidemic, the gender issue) to provide responses that protect their society and ensure its survival. All kinds of confused beliefs, movements, and world-changing ideas that replace Christian morality have already proven many times that they are unfit for the task, and the world was only occasionally able to get rid of them after terrible blood sacrifices. Currently, the goal of the money aristocracy is the general, mandatory introduction of the dictatorship of liberal-Bolshevism in the developed world. In his interests, this would make the rich richer and the rest poorer. (Klaus Schwab) By implementing this social form, today's social engineers hope to create a new world that gives the money aristocracy even more power. Who cares about the people?

Another effect of abandoning Christian morals can be observed. As a result of left-wing ideas, people's moral inhibitions, responsibility, and honor have decreased or disappeared.

The representatives of the various left-wing parties publicly and loudly declare all their ill-will towards their right-wing opponents in a previously unimaginable and unacceptable way, but at the same time they do not take responsibility for their actions. According to them, everything from body shaming to wishing for the person's death can be used to discredit a political opponent. Today, the lack of restraint goes to the point that some activists dare to suggest to others that they kill the leaders of their opponents, and there are even fools who feel called to do this and even try to commit the murder. Slovak Fico became a victim of this.

In the developed world, as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, as a result of the USA's pressure on Europe, war hysteria spread among the country's leaders.

It's like when a fight breaks out in class between two children and the whole class surrounds the ones fighting, waving excitedly and encouraging the delinquent who is more important to them with loud advice. This is because the EU leadership expects the member states to support Ukraine with all their might. This is a competition of who can promise more.

As a result, the leaders of some of the EU countries offered to let the youth of their country participate as soldiers in the war in Ukraine. He did all this in the knowledge that with this the commissioner sent his soldiers to their deaths, because the country no longer has the weapons suitable for the fight, because they were already given to Ukraine.

In the competition, some countries asked the USA for nuclear weapons in order to install them on their territory.

This ill-advised step contains the possibility that in the event of a nuclear war, the aim of which is for the EU and the US to unite to defeat Russia, these countries and their people will receive the first nuclear strike from the Russians. Of course, knowing the history, Russia has also placed nuclear bombs on the territory of its allied countries. After that, it is conceivable that all participants in a future world war will perish in a nuclear war and the war zone of the Earth will be uninhabitable for a few thousand years, but this will not bother anyone, because there will be no one left to bother. The current form of life will also disappear in the rest of the Earth.

It all just depends on which crazy person presses the button first.

Hungary also differs from its Western counterparts in that its current right-wing government, elected by a majority, strongly supports the religious practice of the traditional religious population of our country, preserves the respect for traditions and the appreciation of the past. Based on the experience of the centuries-old Turkish conquest, the Orbán government does not allow migrants of a foreign culture who breach the borders to enter the country. This is ensured by a fence erected and guarded along the critical path. The country's leadership also resists movements aimed at reducing the number of the white population. It also prevents the rise of gender and other movements and supports the increase in the number of births with several means. These procedures triggered the resettlement of migrants and the countermeasures of the background forces supporting the gender movement. In response, the background forces made condemnation decisions against us through the leadership of the EU and want to punish our country with proceedings for breach of obligations, withholding the payment of the money owed to us, and with the process of revoking the country's right to vote.

It could lead to the end of the EU, as it tries harder and harder to take away the independence of the member states in the procedures that fall under national competence according to the statutes.

Most recently, in the migrant issue, the European Commission decided that, completely contrary to Hungarian practice, all border violators must be allowed into the country until their case is decided. From a country with a large number of migrants, they can be transferred to countries with few or no migrants. Those who do not want to accept the number of migrants who have been salted in the number decided by the EU should pay a significant amount per migrant. This procedure was used long ago by human traffickers to determine the price of slaves, but it also refers to slavery that EU officials would decide which migrant to send to which country, since everyone (with few exceptions) would automatically go to the country that provides the greatest prosperity.

In fact, this is the latest form of slavery in the name of democracy!

The suspicion may be raised that only certain elite countries would keep people with a profession and language skills who could be hired right away, while others who do not speak the language, have no profession, but "followed a criminal lifestyle due to their difficult childhood" would end up in the punishable countries .

Of course, Hungary is not willing to participate in this procedure. The Hungarian position is that representatives who represent the interests of the member countries should be elected at the next EU elections. The question is how long. When will the moment come, when for so much money, the honor will be damned.

In fact, there are few European leaders who resist supporting the war. One is the Pope, the other is Viktor Orbán. The Pope ex officio, and the Hungarian Prime Minister out of his sober conviction. The Slovakian Robert Fico also supported this position, but he was shot by a madman and eliminated from politics. Pro-peace advocates recommend an immediate ceasefire and the start of peace talks on the Ukrainian issue. Unfortunately, they still have few followers, but the increase in the number of dead (and slowly time) justifies them. There will be more and more people who support peacemaking. Especially when European countries intervene in the struggle with fighting units and experience the consequences of this. The Russian army has enough personnel, raw materials and weapons to even wipe Europe off the map and have somewhere to retreat from counterstrikes. This has already been proven twice.

János Jurek

Reader letters do not necessarily reflect the position of the Civilik.Info editors

Cover photo: Illegal immigrant at the border fence of the Spanish enclave in North Africa, Ceuta, wedged into the territory of Morocco
Source: MTI/EPA-EFE/Brais Lorenzo